Residents of Machias can all agree, there is a new face to the University of Maine Machias. From repaints of the building interior to paved roads, we’re putting ourselves back on the map and back out into the world. This year, UMaine Machias welcomed a shockingly large freshman class. From Bridge to Orientation to student events, these students know how to show up and bring the energy.
So, let’s talk about them!

When COVID-19 hit, Machias was struck with a large drop in student activity, and has steadily increased its confirmation numbers to gain back the glory it held before. This year, the class of 2028 is bringing the heat, with 27 students attending our weeklong freshman seminar, Bridge, and 30+ more students at Orientation. This spike wasn’t just welcome by the community, but by the students too. With 20 Orientation leaders, they were excited to plan out activities and meet all of the new freshman. It’s not every day you get to pass down the stories of your campus before you leave. Even Dean Walsh was seen interacting with freshman and upperclassmen by signing the orientation t-shirts and delivering a heartwarming speech during lunch. With such a close-knit community on and off campus, the freshman were warmly welcomed into all aspects of the campus.

With such a large class, it’s easy to see why they’re so upbeat. Their attendance is much more than just for show. They enjoy heading to events with their friends and even talk to the upperclassmen about classes and pathways. So many students can confidently say that they confirmed to UMaine Machias simply from the wonderful tours given by our admissions student workers, who also run our student activity events. It’s safe to say that our freshman are in good hands this year, and the future of UMM is as bright as ever.