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General Student Senate to restart homecoming parade

On Tuesday evening, the members of the Student Senate discussed their plans for putting on a homecoming parade.

The parade will be put on by Student Government, Campus Activities and Student Engagement (CASE) and Mainestream Media. The parade will start at the top of Long Road and end at the student tailgate. Student Government will be paying for trailers from U-Haul to help interested student groups make floats.

“The UMaine band will be leading the parade, escorted by police and firetrucks,” President Harold Stewart said. “Alumni and students are also welcome to participate in any fashion they would like.”

“We actually used to have a Homecoming Parade and it was a big deal,” Stewart said. “Unfortunately, it fizzled out over time. We’re trying to bring it back and really create a big buzz around homecoming.”

Student Conduct seeking students for committee

During his executive report, Stewart mentioned that Dave Fiacco from Student Conduct is seeking six to 10 students to sit on the Student Conduct Committee. Committee members will provide their input on allegations of student misconduct.

A training will be held on Oct. 23. Interested students should contact Stewart as soon as possible.

Student Organization Recognition Policies (SORP) modified

An act to modify the Student Organization Recognition Policies in their entirety was passed by the General Student Senate (GSS).

Small changes will be made to grammar and wording while larger changes will affect how suspended student groups may become re-recognized and preliminarily recognized groups may seek final recognition.

The GSS hopes that these changes will positively impact student groups of all sorts, by making the process of becoming recognized easier.


$1,790 were allocated to the Women’s Ice Hockey Club to help them pay for ice time and registrations.

$3,000 were allocated to the Outing Club. The funds will help them pay for a wood stove for their cabin and chainsaw chaps to ensure their safety while cutting wood.

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