Donald Trump posted an important victory over his Republican opponents at the South Carolina primary held on Feb. 20 giving him all 50 of the state’s delegates.
Trump’s 32.5 percent bested Marco Rubio’s second-place 22.5 and Ted Cruz’s 22.3 percent. Bringing up the rear were Jeb Bush, John Kasich and Ben Carson receiving under 10 percent of the vote.
Trump’s second consecutive win perhaps shows some staying power in a campaign that many predicted to have a very short lifespan.
After only receiving 7.8 percent of the vote, Jeb Bush decided to suspend his campaign. As reported by the New York Times, Bush received a substantial amount of funding from a political action committee, or super PAC, but was seeing very little results from the money.
Meanwhile in Nevada, Hillary Clinton got a second win in three primaries after Bernie Sanders’ win in New Hampshire. Clinton amassed 52.7 percent of the vote, gaining 19 more delegates. Sanders finished with 47.2 percent and 15 delegates.
Despite Sanders having a slightly higher number of pledged delegates through the first three primaries and caucuses, Clinton has a staggering lead in total delegates. Clinton leads largely due to her domination in unpledged delegates, with 502 delegates to Sanders’ 69.
The Republicans will shift to Nevada on Feb. 23, and the Democrats will head to South Carolina on Feb. 27.