This week’s General Student Senate meeting began with the acknowledgement of three thank-you notes written to UMSG, Inc.: One from the American Marketing Association for funding received for their etiquette dinner, and one each from Andrew Levesque and Emma Smith from the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI), for funding received for their trip to Charleston, South Carolina.
Club Maintenance
Women in Economics was granted final recognition this week after receiving initial recognition last fall.
The President-Elect of the Volleyball Club stood to discuss the “civil war” that broke out regarding the current President’s proposed merging of the men and women’s teams. While the club has gone over serious maintenance after being “almost nonexistent” the merger request and budget was submitted without the consent of all members. The merger’s intent is to bring up the funding tier status of both teams as one whole. However, more than enough members do not believe such a merger would be beneficial. The issue was tabled until next week to determine the best course of action.
Club Presentations
The Wrestling Team thanked the senate for the $8,000 in requested funding for the 2018 wrestling season.
Guest Speakers
Center for Undergraduate Research Vice President Elisabeth Kilroy, while not present, sent a request asking for volunteers for the upcoming Student Symposium.
The Residence Hall Association reported their provided funding for the Caribbean club’s Carnival event.
Executive Reports
President Mary Celeste-Floreani has spent the last two weeks handling student government business, particularly Maine Day activity and Spring Concert planning, as well as preparation for the yearly budget meeting this Saturday.
Vice President Logan Aromando also had his hands full with the Spring concert, Maine Day and the budget meeting. He also met with Dean Robert Dana this week.
Vice President for Financial Affairs Song Ping ‘Ryan’ Wang reported $276,766.19 in unallocated funds.
Vice President for Student Organizations (VPSO) Jacob Wood reported new records, and upcoming elections. He expects them all to be complete by mid-April. Open job applications for executives and open offices in the International Student Association offices were noted. He also stressed that clubs should fill out their club update forms. Finally, he requested that anyone considering running for the VPSO position should come to him.
Vice President for Student Entertainment Jared Dumas announced the lineup for the Spring
Concert: Lupe Fiasco and Action Bronson Full details have been posted on Instagram and Facebook. Free ticket tabling started Thursday in the Memorial Union.
Periodic Reports
The Fair Election Practices Committee announced the UMSG, Inc. executive election results:
Logan Aromando was elected President, and Bentley Simpson was elected Vice President. Public announcement to be posted.
The Legal Services Liaison reminded new senators to contact Sean O’Mara.
The Graduate Student Senate, in tandem with the Center for Undergraduate Research, are looking for graduate and undergraduate volunteers for the Student Research Symposium on April 17. Director of Communications Miranda Roberts reported her assistance with the executive elections, and the promotion of the Multicultural Mosaic last Friday.
Reports of Standing Committees
Marketing sent surveys, and has been promoting spring concert updates.
Political Activism is requesting anyone interested in joining to come to them for information.
The previous report from Services has changed. The meeting schedule will hopefully be changed this week or next.
Reports of Special Committees
The Maine Day Planning Committee has been gathering info from administration, and secured a location on the Mall. Activities been finalized. Food trucks will be brought in. Lawn games, live music and inflatables will all be active during the event. President Floreani and Vice President Aromando are working on making a ball pit, “but that’s tricky.”
Representative Board Reports
Commuter and Non-Traditional Students will hold a meeting to determine future plans.
Preparations for the monthly pancake breakfast are underway.
Honors College Student Advisory Board gave their thanks for the attendance at their previous trivia night event. They have reported over $15,000 raised for the upcoming meal pack.
The Interfraternity Council is preparing for Greek Week next week from April 9-12.
Panhellenic Council is holding a president roundtable.
Community Association Reports
The Student Heritage Alliance Council (SHAC) reported the success of last week’s Multicultural Mosaic, and thanked the senators who attended. Upcoming events include the German Club’s Café Wien April 10 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Hillel’s Holocaust Remembrance on April 11 and the South Asian Association of Maine’s New Year’s celebration on April 14. Beyond that, SHAC will spend rest of the semester on workshops.
The Feminist Collective reported on their screening of “Birthright: A War Story” on the day of the meeting. Planning for an event planning later this semester, and Beautiful Week on the last week of April are underway.
Wilde Stein’s planning for Pride Week April 16-21 is underway. Events include an Intersex awareness workshop, a brand-new LGBTQ-inclusive Lavender Prom event, an LGBTQ event, and the Drag Show.
Senate adjourned for a 10-minute recess, and reconvened at 7:02 p.m.
Consent Agenda
Wilde Stein: Queer Straight Alliance was granted $877 for their Lavender Prom on April 20 at the Buchanan Alumni House from 8-10 p.m.
Renaissance was granted $361.04 for CDs and interactive audio streams for their 2018 album.
Women’s Fast Pitch Softball was granted $200 for their 2017-2018 office budget.
Wildlife Society was granted $500 for travel and registration for their Northeastern Conclave, in
Green Mountain College, Vermont.
New Business
Trap and Skeet requested $1,000 for registration, rental van and hotel for the New England Clay
Cup Competition. The team will send three full squads. The rental van budget was originally estimated for one day instead of two. The request was amended to $1,200 and passed.
The Feminist Collective requested $1,220 for school honorarium, hotel and travel for a Trauma Informed Care Workshop. The motion passed.
UMSG, Inc. made simple language updates the job descriptions for the Vice President, Vice President of Financial Affairs, Vice President of Student Organizations, the Fair Election Practices Commission and the Vice President for Student Entertainment. Pay rates were also updated to appropriately match these jobs.
The Standing Rules were amended to include the Senior Class Council, the Sustainability and Environmental Actions Division, and the International Student Association.
The Senate moved into a pre scheduled Executive Session from 7:30-8:18 p.m.