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This week in GSS

New senators, officer appointments and resignations

Sarah Brindisi and Zack Wyles were sworn in as new senators.

Club maintenance

The Senate granted recognition to the Student Maine Education Association, a club that seeks to help students be more competent educators after graduation.

Executive reports

President Logan Aromando will be serving on award committees around campus in the coming weeks. A new Fair Election Practices Committee chair will be voted in by the Senate next week. The number of student senators has increased to 18 officials. President Aromondo announced that the Student Government conference will be held from April 13 to 14, 2019.

Vice President Bentley Simpson is planning a trip to Acadia National Park for a hike and picnic for Student Government members.

Vice President for Financial Affairs Bradley Bailey reported $479,369.89 in unallocated funds.  He reported a return of $49.40 in unallocated funds from the South Asian Student Association. The office budget for CRU, a University of Maine Christian group, was tabled. The Senate tabled Wilde Stein’s request for funding regarding Coming Out Week.

Vice President for Student Organizations Taylor Cray reported that the printer reported on in last week’s meeting was claimed by the International Student Association. The Black Student Union was selected as the club of the week.

Vice President for Student Entertainment Corey Claflin reported that he is continuing to work with various student organizations about future campus events  

Periodic Reports

Faculty-Senate Student Representative Harrison Ransley talked about developing online teacher evaluations.  He talked with faculty about child care facilities, new solar rays and other unspecified topics.

The Student Legal Services Liaison Cody Embelton mentioned a new policy through the District Attorney’s office for civil violations. Senator Embelton encouraged student organizations to seek legal advice from Attorney Sean O’Mara if they have any legal questions.

Orono Town Council Liaison Cameron Bowie mentioned to the Senate that no town council meeting was held that week.

The Director of Communications Austin Steward discussed his plans for working with student organizations about advertising their events.

Reports of Standing Committees

Director of Communications Austin Steward reported on behalf of the Marketing and Public Relations Committee. He said he is still working on flyers for first year residence halls informing them about legal services available to them.

Senator Harrison Ransley with the Political Activism Committee is planning a meeting with Professor Robert Glover about voter education on Oct. 10.

Chase Flaherty with the Services Committee mentioned that dining halls started using locally sourced sunflower oil from Caribou, Maine. Local food sourcing on campus has increased by 22.8 percent from last semester. Extra cubbies are expected to be available to student population within the coming weeks. Dining has updated their menu. Shrubbery was removed along Hilltop road. Hilltop Dining has improved its Wi-Fi signal. There are new emergency shelters in Hilltop and Wells dining halls. There are 13 new security cameras at the Hilltop lots. Parking passes are moving to an online purchasing system. The UMaine Bookstore has new online textbook access. Students can submit photos for their MaineCard online. Administration is considering a move to bracelets with chips to replace MaineCards.

Representative Board Reports

Senator Chris Toothaker with the Commuter and Non-Traditional Students group reported that next week is Commuter Week.

Chase Flaherty reported that the Honors College Student Advisory Board was working on a monthly movie event and a Halloween event. They discussed implementing minor changes to the Honors curriculum.

Cole Lemelin with the Interfraternity Council on campus is working with the town of Orono to host a community benefit event.

Stephanie Poirier with the Panhellenic Council is hosting a recruitment debrief to hear opinions concerning the chapter.

Sheldon Green with the Sustainability and Environmental Actions Division is in the beginning stages of planning a TEDx event on sustainability at UMaine.

Community Association Reports

Meghan Frisard reported that the Feminist Collective is working on a Take Back the Night event on Oct. 16 in the North Pod of the Memorial Union.

A representative from Wilde Stein: Queer-Straight Alliance talked about the group’s planning of events for Coming Out Week. The group is developing an updated budget for funding requested from the Student Senate.

Zarni Chanapatdaychaporn with the International Student Association informed the Senate about the continued work on the Culture Fest slated for November. They are planning a dance, volunteering and collaborating with the Figure Skating Club to set up a time for free ice skating in October. A winter formal is being planned for a date yet to be decided.

Consent Agenda

CRU was awarded $200 for their office budget by the student senate.

Commuter and Nontraditional Students (CANS) was awarded $350 for lunches and daily contests for commuter week by the student senate.

Unfinished Business

The Student Senate voted Emmeline Willey to the position of the Old Town City Council Liaison.

New Business

The Student Senate allocated $1,875 to CRU for its fall conference.

The Student Senate allocated $2,275 to the Dressage Team for their 2018 show season.

The Student Senate allocated $4,000 to Club Volleyball for uniforms, tournament and travel fees in their 2018-19 season.

The Student Senate allocated $2,730 to Crew for travel expenses and equipment.

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