Club presentations
A representative from the University of Maine’s Bioengineering Club thanked the Student Senate for its funding of the club’s trip to the Northeast Bioengineering Conference at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Executive reports
President Logan Aromando started his report by commenting on the annual budget meeting, which would immediately follow the conclusion of the Senate’s resolutions. The UMaine accreditation process, he said, is currently underway, and will require his involvement. Ending his remarks, Aromando mentioned the special committee devoted to Maine Day and encouraged senators to either join or volunteer.
Vice President Bentley Simpson reminded the senators that the Spring Retreat will be held on Saturday, April 20, and added that he had attended a speed-reading workshop the prior Thursday.
Vice President for Financial Affairs Jack O’Donoghue reported to the Senate $119,996 of unallocated funds. He also mentioned that the Political Activism Committee’s budget amounted to exactly $100.
Taylor Cray, the vice president for student organizations, told the assembly that her committee was unable to meet the previous week. She explained that her group will be involved in planning the University’s upcoming Multi-Cultural Mosaic and informed the Senate that the week’s featured club was the Student Heritage Alliance Council.
In his report, Vice President for Student Entertainment Corey Claflin mentioned that all three acts performing in the University’s spring concert had been announced, and he encouraged present members to volunteer, adding that it is an excellent opportunity for community service and could result in the opportunity to meet with the performers.
Periodic reports
Matthew Akers, the chair of the Fair Election Practices Commission, said that the recent election for student body president had gone smoothly and that he is now coordinating the election for senior class council.
Student Legal Services Liaison Remus Anderson discussed the recent legal support that had been provided by UMaine’s legal representative Sean O’Mara.
Orono Town Council Liaison Cameron Bowie reported that the week’s town council meeting had been canceled. Bowie also mentioned that he would be sending a policy paper to the council in time for their next meeting.
Reports of standing committees
The Membership committee, represented by Sen. Zachary Wyles, provided details for the April 20 Student Senate trip to Acadia National Park.
Sen. Bowie, who also acts as the Political Activism Committee’s representative, told the Senate that the College Republicans will be hosting a Lunch & Learn the following day and encouraged others to attend.
Emma Willey of the Services Committee stated that her organization’s previous meeting had been postponed and rescheduled for Friday.
Reports of special committees
The Student Conduct Code Oversight and Review Committee representative, Sen. Harrison Ransley, said that his committee had reduced the number of its meetings from two each week to once each Thursday.
Representing the Maine Day Committee, Aromondo told the assembly that he plans to direct committee spending more toward food than toward forms of entertainment like rides, since they were underutilized during last year’s event. The Maine Day festivities, he said, would take place from 6-8 p.m.
Representative board reports
Ian Johnson, the representative for commuter and non-traditional students, said that his organization will be hosting a pancake breakfast on April 18 and that the pancakes’ special flavor will be “Black Bear-y.”
The Honors College Student Advisory Board’s representative announced that it will be hosting a bar crawl on Friday. They encouraged attendees to purchase five-dollar bracelets, which they said would help toward its funding.
The Interfraternity Council’s representative, Andrew Arsenault, stated that the Beta Theta Pi fraternity will be hosting its annual “Sleep-Out” from the evening of April 5 until the morning of April 6. The proceeds, he said, would be donated to Bangor’s rape response services. He concluded by informing the assembly that Greek Week will begin in less than two weeks and that he is focused on its planning.
Community association reports
Max Zakian, a representative for the Student Heritage Alliance Council, informed the Senate that his organization’s Multi-Cultural Mosaic was a success, drawing nearly 300 attendees. Toward the end of his remarks, he thanked the Student Senate for their support and mentioned that his council will be holding elections on April 22.
The Wilde Stein: Queer Straight Alliance representative announced that Pride Week will begin on April 18 and that it plans to host club events, such as a drag-show, throughout.
Consent agenda
The meeting’s consent agenda included: $875 for the South Asian Association of Maine; $700 for the Beta Theta Pi fraternity to assist with their upcoming sleep-out; $100 in budgetary funds for the Political Activism Committee; and $800 to support an upcoming horticulture trip to Montreal’s botanical gardens. The consent agenda passed without objection.
New business
A representative from the men’s Ultimate Frisbee Club requested $2,000 in travel funds for trips to both a sectional competition in Providence, Rhode Island and a later regional tournament in Amherst, Massachusetts. A motion allocating funds to the club passed with a clear majority.
Aromando asked the Senate to contribute $10,000 towards the Undergraduate Student Research Symposium, which is scheduled for Wednesday, April 10 in Bangor’s Cross Insurance Center. This event, Aromondo said, will be attended by many undergraduate students and should, therefore, be supported by the Undergraduate Student Government. He added that the Senate’s contribution, a sixth of the total cost, would qualify them as “event sponsors.” The motion to provide funding passed with a clear majority.
Annual budget meeting
The remainder of the meeting, during which the Senate finalized its annual budget, was conducted as a closed executive session.