The Nov. 5 meeting began with the approval of Oct. 29 meeting minutes.
General Good and Welfare:
Vice President Chase Flaherty went over the Robert’s Rule item of the week: motion to reconsider. This motion is not amenable.
New Senators, Officer Appointments, Resignations:
Sen. Olivia Lovejoy was appointed to the senate.
Club Maintenance:
The Archery Club came into the senate seeking reactivation so they can be nationally ranked. This was passed by the senate.
A representative from the Young Americans for Liberty came into the senate seeking preliminary recognition. This is a non-partisan political organization that has a heavy focus on freedom of speech. This was passed by the senate.
Representatives from the School of Forest Resources Community Council came into the senate looking for preliminary recognition so they can expand and begin fundraising events. This was passed by the senate.
Club Presentations:
A representative from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) came to the senate to discuss the society’s recent coaster car competition in Canada. He summarized the success of the trip for the senate, adding that ASME placed No. 4 in the competition.
Guest Speakers:
Dominique DiSpirito from the Green Campus Initiative (GCI) came to the senate to discuss a new service project that will be starting this month. Every third Sunday of the month, the GCI will be hosting a ‘Service Sunday.’
Executive Reports:
President Simpson attended the Distinguished Professor Committee meeting and reported that the presentations went very well. He also reported that Cabinet will be reviewing applications for the Leadership Scholarship, as the applications have closed. Lastly, he reminded the senate that the First Gen Celebration Week has commenced and there will be several events this week.
Vice President Chase Flaherty thanked the photographer for coming into the senate and reported that the diversity training is postponed to a later date.
Vice President for Financial Affairs Jack O’ Donoghue summarized the audit that was performed for the senate.
Vice President for Student Organizations Taylor Cray outlined that she is currently making sure that clubs have submitted the paperwork they need correctly.
Vice President for Student Entertainment Logan Aromando reported that the Halloween events went well and there is a meeting to discuss details for the ice rink this winter.
Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko reported that changes will be made in order to register students faster for the next election. She reminded the senate that there will be no class Monday due to Veterans Day but there will be events held all week. Lastly, she reported that all class councils are in need of additional support and there are projects currently in the works for the future of class councils as a whole.
Periodic Reports:
University of Maine Board of Trustees Rep. Abby Despres reported that she will be headed to a full board meeting soon and reminded the senate to come to her with any concerns.
Chair of Fair Election Practices Commission Rep. Matthew Akers reminded members of the senate to get their senator applications in.
Director of Communications Owen Vadala informed the senate that once the headshots are developed, he will be emailing those out to members.
Reports of Standing Committees:
Marketing and Public Relations Rep. Owen Vadala reported that there will be a committee meeting held next Thursday.
Membership Rep. Zachary Wyles reported that a student senate merchandise poll will be coming out and encouraged members to vote on the type of merchandise they would like for the year.
Policy and Procedure Rep. Mikaela Shea reported that the meeting that was to be held this week will be rescheduled to a later date.
Political Activism Rep. Cody Embelton reminded members of the senate to vote as it was election day and alluded to many events happening Friday.
Representative Boards:
Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Rep. Ian Johnson reported that the pumpkin decorating voting was postponed and will be decided this week.
Honors College Rep. Lauren Ryan reported that Hocus Pocus movie night went well and that the board has received more interest along with a membership increase. She also reminded the senate that Donuts with the Dean will be happening next Friday and the Chipotle fundraiser is Nov. 16.
Interfraternity Council Rep. Andrew Arsenault reported that applications for executive boards are due Nov. 12 and elections will be held Nov. 19. He also reminded the senate that the Greek Gala will be held in December and encouraged members of the senate to congratulate Alpha Sigma Phi on receiving charter.
Senior Class Council Rep. Joshua Minor reiterated Lauri Sidelko’s point of each class council needing more support, as they are working to be reinstated. Lastly, he reminded the senate that there will be an event held at Orono House of Pizza on Nov. 17 for the Patriots vs Eagles game.
Sustainability and Environmental Actions Division (SEAD) Rep. Dalton Bouchles reported that SEAD now has a new logo and tee shirts as well as other merchandise will be released soon.
Community Association Reports:
Student Heritage Alliance Council (SHAC) Rep. Anna Schaab reported that Culture Fest will be held this Saturday and that SHAC is preparing for Multicultural Thanksgiving as well.
Feminist Collective Rep. Hannah Thomson reported that the diversity training will be postponed until further notice.
International Student Association Rep. Hannah Holbrook encouraged members of the senate to not only attend Culture Fest but volunteer for the event as well.
Consent Agenda:
Carribean and Latinx Student Alliance requested $500 for a griddle and stainless steel food serving set. The agenda was passed by the senate.
New Business:
An act to allocate $1,250 in funds to the Maine Animal Club for ornaments, craft items, holiday decorations, face painting, poster/banner and animal costumes for their event “Witter Wonderland”, Witter Farms on Dec. 8, 2019. This was passed by the senate.
An act to allocate $7,550 in funds to cheerleading for airline tickets for 24 cheerleaders to fly from Boston, Massachusetts to Orlando, Florida to compete at the NCA Collegiate Nationals in Daytona Beach FL April 7-11, 2020. This was passed by the senate.
An act to allocate $1,080 in funds to the Student Heritage Alliance Council for ingredients and dinnerware for the Multicultural Thanksgiving on Nov. 14, 2019. This was passed by the senate.
The meeting was adjourned.