Our University of Maine Machias (UMM) photographer and videographer Desmond Gonzalez photographed and interviewed five UMM students to reflect on their experiences.

“I try to be active, like the clubs and organizations and that sort of stuff. I am also a student worker. I work for student activities, [and] I get to put on a lot of fun events. I just like how it’s a nice community. I get to know everybody, and hopefully, everybody knows me. I get to be a part of this campus and help it thrive and just have a fun time here.”

“When you think of college radio, you have this image that comes to mind, so what I’ve been doing for the past few months is trying to promote that, trying to really put us out there, but then I’ve been trying to get on the air myself as much as I can, but boy, does the other stuff keep you busy!”

“The people in town are really nice and they, whenever possible, love being involved in the events that the university puts on. I know we had a ‘Fall Fest’ just recently, and we’re planning a ‘Spring Fest’ for this upcoming semester where we have vendors from the town come in and people would donate so that we could run a raffle with gift baskets, and everyone was super happy to hear about that, and all the vendors I went and talked to were really excited about the idea and really excited about being involved with the college and the community together,” Rocca said.