With daily trips to your local Starbucks, Dunkin’ or Aroma Joes no longer being an option, how can you get a caffeinated concoction? Look no further than the popular video platform TikTok.
Over the past few weeks, a drink best described as an upside-down cappuccino has taken TikTok by storm. The beverage is a mixture of equal parts espresso powder, granulated sugar and boiling water whisked together into a meringue-like texture. The fluffy combination is then spooned onto milk to make for an aesthetically pleasing and tasty product.
Originating in South Korea, the drink gained popularity toward the end of 2019 and picked up quickly through the start of 2020. Tutorials and reviews can be found on various foodie accounts on both TikTok and YouTube. However, the true origins of the drink are up for debate. Various people have spoken out in the comments of these videos claiming it as their own.
An Indian subcontinent calls the concoction phenti hui, which translates to beaten coffee. In South Korea, people claim that the drink was well known prior to its 15 minutes of fame on TikTok. Here, the caffeinated beverage goes by the name dalgona, since it has a similar appearance to a honeycomb toffee candy there. In an interview, South Korean actor Jung II-woo says he tried dalgona for the first time in a cafe when visiting Macau. After returning home, he began consuming the drink on the TV show Pyunstrang (fun-staurant), which ultimately launched the drink into the mainstream. Regardless of its origins, the sweet and creamy drink has become a means for people around the world to experiment and try something new.
Follow the recipe below to make your own dalgona.
Ingredients (for 1 serving):
2 tbsp instant coffee or espresso powder
2 tbsp of granulated sugar
2 tbsp of boiling water
In a medium bowl combine coffee powder, sugar, and hot water. Whisk the mixture until it forms stiff peaks after removing the whisk. This should take between 20 – 30 minutes of hand whisking, making for a great arm workout. However, using an electric mixer works as well.
For a hot version of the drink, simply heat a milk of your choice to 155°F (69°C) and froth. For a cold version, combine a handful of ice and your milk of choice.
To froth the milk, whisk it by hand or with a mixer. Another method is to place the liquid in a jar, carefully if it is heated so as not to burn yourself, turn on a bopping playlist and dance, shaking the jar in the process.
Assemble the sweet treat by pouring the foamy milk into a glass, with or without ice, then spoon your coffee concoction on top. Garnish with toppings of your choice such as more coffee, oreos or cocoa powder. Don’t forget to snap a pretty picture because you have just created a masterpiece. After all this work, stir and enjoy. You’ve earned it.