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Posts published by “Kendra Caruso”

Jared Golden comes to campus

The University of Maine College Democrats hosted Lewiston-based legislator and candidate for Congress Jared Golden in the Coe Room of the Memorial Union on Thursday,…

This week in GSS

New senators, officer appointments and resignations Sarah Brindisi and Zack Wyles were sworn in as new senators. Club maintenance The Senate granted recognition to the…

CareerFest brings local employers to campus

The University of Maine’s 2018 CareerFest was held from Tuesday, Sept. 18, to Thursday, Sept. 20, and connected local employers to students on campus for…

This week in GSS

New Senators, Officer Appointments, Resignations Kaitlyn Beckwith and Erin Dougherty resigned as a student senators. Sean Connolly, Matthew Stenger and Owen Vadala were appointed as…

Tailgating changes bring controversy to campus

Recent changes to the University of Maine tailgating policy for sporting events at Harold Alfond Stadium have drawn mixed reactions from the community. Among the…