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UMaine power builders organize lift life foundation fundraiser at new balance recreational center

On Wednesday, April 24, the University of Maine Power Builders club hosted its annual Life Lift Foundation Lifting event from 6-9 p.m. in the New Balance Student Recreation Center. Participants were able to challenge themselves in three different events; deadlift, bench press and squat. The lifts took place on the first level of the Recreation Center.

To take part in the event, lifters donated either three dollars for one event or seven dollars for all of them. All proceeds went to the Lift Life Foundation, an organization dedicated to reinstating the importance of health and fitness in youths.

Many students from the club were present sporting blue t-shirts with the power building club logo on them. The club itself has been on campus for a few years and recently saw Trevor Michaud, a third-year civil engineering student, assume the role of club president.

“The idea was we wanted to create a club that brought everyone together because bodybuilding and powerlifting are very individualistic sports, they’re very complicated sports but it’s all and all you against yourself so we help on form, on technique, on what exercises to do, nutrition and all that kind of stuff,” Michaud said.

For many students in the club, lifting has been a vital part of their lives, especially for Michaud as well as Kelcie Brown, a fourth-year botany student.

“Lifting has helped me a lot in life,” said Michaud. “I used to be a big kid and it started as a need to get to work because I had to ride my bike to get there. I started losing weight and I got into lifting and then got into powerlifting. The healing I got in my life from it isn’t just physical, I mean, we get off work or school and need to just get away from it all and lifting allows me to do that.”

“I got into it during a time in my life where I felt weak and had no control and lifting gave me my control back. I fell in love with it as soon as I picked up a barbell, it literally changed my life. It made me stronger, more confident and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been,” said Brown.

Although the club is still young, Michaud and the rest of its members are dedicated to seeing the club grow and prosper in the years to come and have some ideas on where the club should be in the near future.

“The big picture in my head would be to have an actual power building meet,” Michaud said. “I’d love to have an actual event here or maybe even outside on the football field.”

For more information about the power builders club, check out their facebook page or contact Trevor Michaud at

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