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Located on Central St. in downtown Bangor, newly opened Highbrow Studio offers professional microblading to give natural, beautiful looking brows. Photo by Haylee Scovil.

New permanent makeup trend boosts female confidence

Microblading is a new form of art that is capturing the attention of women all over the country. The act of microblading is a progressive trend that provides job opportunities, heightens morale and boosts confidence. It is a process much like tattooing that involves using a tool to put dye on eyebrows in order to create a darker, fuller look. The dye is considered semi-permanent and can last from one to three years. Now more than ever, this trend is catching on and has spread to the Bangor area.

For Dalalyn Demmons, inspiration to start her own microblading business came from Instagram microblading technique and trends videos. From there, Demmons attended a microblading class at Ibrow Studio in Portland. Once she became certified, she started her career by renting out a room in Milford at the Aqua Hair Studio. Her business is called Brows By Dalalyun. 

“I first got started when I reached out to a girl who was microblading on Snapchat. She was looking for models to get their eyebrows done for free, so I decided to go for it and see how they would look. After my first time, I was shocked at the difference it made to my face shape and my appearance, and I considered trying to do it myself,” Demmons said. “I have a background in art and drawing so I was happy to discover something that I could use my artistic background for without going to beauty school.”

Another new microblading artist who has recently set up shop locally is Jill Burke, the owner of Highbrow Studio in downtown Bangor. She opened her studio on May 1, 2019 and accepts clients by appointment. Both professionals are certified, have creative art backgrounds and were first introduced to the idea by friends and social media. 

“I heard about microblading through a grapevine of sorts,” Burke said. “I majored in fine arts in college, so I spent many hundreds of hours reading about and studying beauty and aesthetics from that perspective. I also have a few thousand hours of academic drawing experience under my belt, so the transition to drawing careful, delicate hair strokes was quite natural for me.”

Demmons and Burke work with clients of all ages in their studios and continue to practice techniques and learn new styles and tips over the years. Hearing feedback and getting positive responses from customers who have received microblading is what makes these women love what they do.

“The before and after photos are my favorite part of microblading, and you can find them on my Instagram page,” Demmons said. “It is so satisfying to see the transformation, and it is so rewarding to see how shocked and surprised my clients are with the end result. It is such a confidence booster and you get to see how something you created can change how someone thinks about themselves.”

“I love when someone is really outwardly happy about their brows,” Burke said. “Sometimes I notice clients posting extra selfies afterwards and I can tell they feel confident and beautiful, and that’s a great feeling to be able to give someone.”

Demmons hopes to expand her work more into the permanent makeup world, and eventually tattoo lip liner and areolas. Burke has also made a name for herself in the professional world and enjoys working in a job that is hands-on and interactive.

“I love people in general, so it’s been great working one-on-one with clients. Over a two-hour appointment, you can really get to know a lot about someone. I love listening to their stories, the places they’ve been, or what’s happened in their lives,” Burke said. “People are fascinating, and women especially are very inspiring to me. I’m humbled that I can make them feel like super beautiful boss-babes.”


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