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Horoscopes (4.6.2020)


Aries (March 21 – April 20)
The full moon in Libra on Tuesday, April 7 will help illuminate the imbalances in your life. See what shadows are cast in your love life and address the problems. It’s important to be helping others right now, especially those at a higher risk, but don’t forget your own needs. When Mercury enters your territory on Saturday, April 11, communicating with others will come easily. Be honest and assertive, but thoughtful when it comes to your needs.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
Feeling trapped at home can develop some unhealthy habits and coping mechanisms. As the full moon shines brightly in Libra on Tuesday, April 7, look to see how these new habits are affecting your relationships, then confront them. It’s going to hurt when you do, but that means you can begin healing and building healthier relationships. Now more than ever, it is important to surround yourself with things that make you feel confident.

Gemini (May 21 – June 22)
Tuesday, April 7 brings you a full moon in Libra and with it, some guidance on balance and relationships. You can’t live a full life by saying yes to everything. Right now it is important to say no. Sacrificing your social life for a few months will serve you and your community better than going against guidelines. Your ruling planet, Mercury, comes into Aries on Saturday, April 11. With it comes a much-needed wave of confidence. Write down everything you value about yourself to come back to during tough times.

Cancer (June 23 – July 21)
On Tuesday, April 7, a full moon will shine brightly in Libra. Libras are known for balance and justice. Those feelings are hard to come by right now, but that’s okay. Take a moment to drink in the grief surrounding you, and accept what the world is right now. Then, reach out to your loved ones and form a virtual support group. The whole world may be out of whack right now, but that shouldn’t stop your world from being at peace.

Leo (July 22 – Aug. 23)
Paranoia and isolation can get the best of you. Sit down on Tuesday, April 7 when there is a full moon in Libra to meditate on your current situation. What can you be doing right now that will help to benefit you and your relationships in the long run? Remember, this situation is temporary, so don’t let it ruin your long-term relationships. Give all the love you possess to others and see how it comes back to benefit you.

Virgo (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23)
Reach out to connect with others on Tuesday, April 7 during the full moon in Libra. Total isolation right now is sure to have negative effects on your mental health. Keep in contact with the people you used to see every day. They definitely miss you as much as you miss them. Accept love and help from those around you when your ruling planet enters Aries on Saturday, April 11. It is time to help and support each other after all.

Libra (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23)
Bask in the glow of a full moon in your sign on Tuesday, April 7. Use this time to reflect and call upon your strengths. Remember how incredibly awesome you are. There is only one of you. Surround yourself with the validation you deserve. You do not have to do this alone; when Mercury enters Aries on Saturday, April 11, call upon your support group. Join together online to make a gang of pure, awesome power.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22)
The cause of your stress right now is understandable. However, when the full moon rises in Libra on Tuesday, April 7, turn your attention to the power dynamics of your relationships. Addressing those imbalances can help to reduce some of your anxieties right now. Be sure to give back to those who are always there for you. While sitting around at home, engage your creative side. When Mercury enters Aries on Saturday, April 11, brainstorm some ideas for when life returns to normal. Always be working toward a better you.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21)
Looking around right now, there is so much anxiety, agony and uncertainty. Something to this magnitude is not easy to cope with. It is pushing people to their tipping points. Don’t let yourself tip over. The world needs people like you. Reach out to your friends and family, support each other and bring balance under the full moon in Libra on Tuesday, April 7. Be the leader you are born to be when Mercury enters Aries on Saturday, April 11. Find the energy to tackle the items on your to-do list, even if it consists only of getting out of bed.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20)
Social distancing does not mean cutting yourself off from others, as appealing as that may seem sometimes. On Tuesday, April 7, when there is a full moon in Libra, reach out to reunite with people you haven’t seen in a while. Deep down, you know you miss seeing their pretty faces every day. Just because you can survive on your own, doesn’t mean you should. Get what you want on Saturday, April 11 when Mercury enters Aries. Say something that you have been sitting on for a while now.

Aquarius (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19)
Libras are the masters of balance, so take time to find your own balance during the full moon in Libra on Tuesday, April 7. Reflect on how much you have been giving recently. Have you been receiving as much as you give? Speak up about the imbalance when Mercury enters Aries on Saturday, April 11. Take a boost in confidence from the Aries energy and reconnect with someone from your past.

Pisces (Feb. 20 – March 20)
Turn off the news on Tuesday, April 7. Have a night filled with deep connections and intimacy with yourself, or with a partner or friends over a video call. Give yourself one night to recharge. Relish in the beauty of the world. There are so many things going on right now that it’s understandable to forget a few things. Make the effort to work on your communication on Saturday, April 11 when Mercury enters Aries. Be bold like Aries and form connections. No one should go through this alone.

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