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National holidays: Dec. 14 through Dec. 18

Monday: National Free Shipping Day

Dec. 14 is National Free Shipping Day. Take advantage and go get your holiday shopping done online by saving money on free shipping! Thousands of online stores and retailers ranging from large and small businesses are offering this deal on shipping. Along with this offer, they will also guarantee that your items will arrive by Christmas Eve. This means you can cozy up with your blanket and laptop and get your shopping done like a pro.

 Dec. 14 is also National Bouillabaisse Day. Bouillabaisse is a traditional Provençal fish stew that originates from the city of Marseille, France. Some ingredients of the dish include mussels or clams, crab or squid, three different kinds of fish, onions, tomatoes and a variety of spices and herbs. If you haven’t heard of or tried this dish before, plan a day of fun to cook it with your family or friends! 

Tuesday: National Cupcake Day

 Dec. 15 celebrates one of the most popular party foods in the country: cupcakes! Celebrate this day by trying out and baking different types of cupcakes. From red velvet to funfetti to marble, the possibilities are endless! If baking isn’t your forte, visit a local business or cafe and try out their cupcakes. Either way, 2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year, so you deserve it. Treat yourself! 

Wednesday: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day 

Dec. 16 is National Chocolate Covered Anything Day. If you were looking for an excuse for a cheat day, today is the day. Whether it be donuts, cake or even strawberries, this day can turn anyone into a chocoholic. Gather your friends and family to indulge and get your chocolate fix in. 

Dec. 16 is also National Barbie and Barney Backlash Day. For those of you who didn’t appreciate or enjoy the existence of these two popular 2000s icons, this day gives you the opportunity to pretend that they never even existed!

 Thursday: National Maple Syrup Day 

Dec. 17 is an exciting day for the state of Maine and all of New England. For National Maple Syrup Day, get together with friends and family to start cooking up some pancakes and waffles to pour your favorite maple syrup on. Another fun activity you can do to celebrate this day is look up the history of maple syrup and how it is made. You might be surprised to find out that maple sugaring began way back in the 1500s!

Friday: National Bake Cookies Day

Dec. 18 is National Bake Cookies Day. As if celebrating cupcakes and anything covered in chocolate and maple syrup this week was delicious enough, now you can eat even more sweets and still get away with it. Give this day the recognition it deserves by baking your favorite cookies at home. Maybe even try a new type of cookie recipe you’ve never had before! Today is another opportunity to make your house full of sweet smells before the holidays.

Dec. 18 is also National Answer the Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day and National Ugly Sweater Day. Refresh your memory by putting on “Elf” with your favorite ugly Christmas sweater on and get a good laugh out of the next person who calls you by answering with “Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?”

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