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‘Penguin Bloom:’ New Netflix drama based on a true story will pull at your heartstrings

5/5 Stars

Among many different genres of newly released movies, Netflix’s “Penguin Bloom” was far from disappointing and gave a lasting outlook on life. Based on a true story from the book of the same name, this film gives viewers a look into how, even though life may not always go as planned, there is always happiness and forgiveness to be found throughout.

“Penguin Bloom” was released on Jan. 15. This film has a run time of 1 hour and 35 minutes and is the perfect heartfelt movie to curl up to in your free time — just make sure you have tissues available by your side.

Starring Oscar nominee Naomi Watts as Sam Bloom, the cast of “Penguin Bloom” is charismatic and compelling. Supporting actors include Andrew Lincoln as Cameron Bloom, Jacki Weaver as Jan, Griffin Murray-Johnston as Noah Bloom and Rachel House as Gaye Hatfield. Watts is well-known for her roles in “Mulholland Drive,” “The Impossible,” “King Kong” and “The Ring.”

This film was directed by Glendyn Ivin and produced by Watts, Bruna Papandrea, Emma Cooper, Jodi Matterson and Steve Hutensky. The screenplay was written by Harry Cripps, Shaun Grant and Cameron Bloom, with the music composed by Marcelo Zarvos.

Based on the true story written by Cameron Bloom, the film follows the tragic event the Bloom family encountered on their vacation in Thailand. One of the three Bloom sons, Noah Bloom, blames himself for his mother, Sam Bloom’s, accident when a roof railing broke and she fell and broke her back, paralyzing her from the waist down. A year after the accident, he finds an injured magpie and brings her home. The family decides to name the magpie Penguin and cares for her, although Sam Bloom does not appear interested in Penguin at first. As time goes on, Penguin begins to grow on her, and the two become nearly inseparable as life becomes more tolerable. After many hard months that take a toll on the Bloom family, things begin to finally get better.

“Penguin Bloom” is a tear-jerker, showing the effects a freak accident can have on a family, as well as how a bond with an animal can help mend a person. Sam Bloom’s difficult recovery and new perspective on life is a reality for many people around the world, and this film is a reminder that even at one’s lowest point, it can always get better and happiness can be found again. Family and love are what is most important.

Today, Sam Bloom has defied the odds despite her injury. She has competed in the World Kayaking Championships and is a two-time World Adaptive Surfing Champion. Penguin has found her way in the wild and is no longer in need of care, but will always be a part of the Bloom family.

If you are looking for the perfect heartfelt, inspiring and emotional film to watch, don’t let “Penguin Bloom” slip through the cracks. This film is well worth the watch and will stick with you long after watching it.

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