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National Holidays: Feb. 21 through Feb. 25

Monday: Presidents Day

Recognized as a federal holiday, Presidents Day falls on the third Monday of February each year. According to, the relaxation and restoration from the holidays have already begun to fade away at this point in the year, so Presidents Day helps the public restore their energy and regain lost stamina. Take your day off today to be productive, enjoy your hobbies or even to simply do nothing and relax. Restore your mind in whichever way you feel to be effective. Feb. 21 is also National Sticky Bun Day, Islander Day and Family Day.

Tuesday: Be Humble Day

Today is all about being humble. Regardless of who you are or where you’re from, being humble with those around you and everyone is the goal of this national holiday. Refrain from boasting and bragging today and dedicate our time to practicing humility. Support your friends and family, accept your flaws and work on becoming an even better version of yourself. Feb. 22 is also Cook a Sweet Potato Day, National Margarita Day and National Walking the Dog Day.

Wednesday: National Hospitality Workers Appreciation Day

This national holiday allows us to take time to thank and appreciate those who work in the hospitality industry. The hospitality industry includes workers in restaurants and bars, hotels, tourism and more. These businesses provide us with so many of our activities, outings and experiences in everyday life. We owe them our respect for providing us these services. Working in this industry isn’t always easy, so appreciate them for the hard work they do. Feb. 23 is also Play Tennis Day, Pink Shirt Day in Canada and National Banana Bread Day.

Thursday: National Toast Day

While toast is a simple breakfast meal or snack we all grew up with, this classic staple in our diets deserves its own day. When it comes to eating toast, the opportunities and creations are endless. Mix up your creations by using new types of bread you’ve never tried before. Use rye bread or oatmeal bread for a more hearty flavor. Top off your toast by layering brie cheese with your favorite flavor of jam for a unique, tasteful experience. Or, if you’re feeling a little nostalgic, just lather on some butter and bring yourself back to simpler times. Never underestimate the potential of toast. It’s always a great fallback for when you’re hungry but can’t decide what to make, or for those times when your mom insists there is food in the house to eat. Feb. 24 is also National Chili Day, National Tortilla Chip Day and World Bartender Day.

Friday: National Skip the Straw Day

In light of the increasing climate crisis and environmental pollution in our world, today is National Skip the Straw Day. According to, a group of young activists from Whitehall, Michigan can be thanked for the birth of this holiday. Plastic straws are notorious for showing up in the ocean and habitats of all kinds simply due to improper disposal. The plastic material doesn’t break down easily at all, taking up to 200 years to decompose, so they are left to become dangerously incorporated into the environment. There are biodegradable alternatives that are available for use instead of plastic. While today is a national holiday, continue to drop your plastic straw use after today to protect our environment. Feb. 25 is also National Clam Chowder Day and Carnival of Brazil.

All holidays were found on Be sure to keep up to date with our regularly featured holidays featured both on our Instagram @themainecampus and website.

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