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Horoscopes 1.31.2021

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Your intentions are pure, but actions are cruel. Deceit holds you back from growth and good fortune. You must accept responsibility for your actions. Only then will you be able to work past the bad times plaguing your life. Wounds will not heal overnight. Have patience with yourself and others, and give space for reflection and growth.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Stop giving more than you are receiving, such actions have attracted the attention of greedy people who have no room to appreciate you. Be as kind to yourself as you are to others, then you will see how people have taken advantage of you. Do not be afraid to ask for help, you do not have to go through difficult situations alone.

Gemini (May 21 – June 22)

A powerful connection is fast approaching. This connection can manifest itself in many different forms. Two hearts combine in love and passion, an old spark comes back to life, mutual agreement for the greater good. Regardless of the form it takes, open your heart up and prepare for a heartfelt connection to come your way.

Cancer (June 23 – July 21)

Wealth and good fortune rest on the horizon. Your hard work has brought you the benefits you deserve. While the goods are in sight, do not assume things will be easy until their arrival. Life will test you to the very end. Do not let a few more setbacks keep you from what you deserve.

Leo (July 22 – Aug. 23)

Protect yourself by creating a group of trustworthy people. Do not be afraid to closely evaluate the people whose company you seek. Their intentions may seem pure, but dark secrets hide underneath. Listen to your gut when it protests an action. Consider ulterior motives of those who are trying to get close to you too fast.

Virgo (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23)

With the start of the new year comes an abundance of new ideas. Challenge yourself to turn the ideas into something tangible. All projects begin with yourself. Believe in yourself. However, do not be swept away by your confidence for it alone cannot do the job. Draw upon the skills you have amassed in your life to create wonderful results for yourself.

Libra (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23)

As the master of self love, you appreciate what you have before you. However, before the past fades out of existence, look back. Acknowledge the hardships and pain you have suffered. Without these dark moments, the good ones would not be possible. Say goodbye to the past and have faith in the future.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22)

Being unique has its struggles — finding someone compatible with your energy is not easy. Settling for the wrong person will bring harm to you. However, do not fear the differences of everyone you meet. Different doesn’t always mean dangerous. Be patient with others, and learn to see things their way.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21)

When working alone, it’s easy to grow accustomed to getting your way all the time. However, collaboration with others is unavoidable, meaning you will not always get your way. To get the best results you must be prepared to make sacrifices. This is not easy to do, but will bring you great rewards in the long run. Do not let opportunities pass you by because you were stubborn.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20)

Begin the new year with a vibe check. To others you have been overbearing, causing others to perceive you as arrogant and immature. These actions will have negative effects in your professional sector. Wasting time micromanaging others drives your space into a state of disarray. Step back and delegate from a distance. Watch as this brings your professional and personal sectors into harmony.

Aquarius (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19)

During last year, time became an illusion and a feeling of purpose dissolved shortly after. Now is the time to snap out of the trance and start moving in a new direction. It does not matter if it is the right or wrong one at first. What matters is moving on, and working towards an interest. There are many lessons to be learned this year. Do not miss out on them.

Pisces (Feb. 20 – March 20)

Time to face the facts. For a moment, do not engage with the heart for it speaks too loud for the truth to be heard. Decisions must be made and there can be no grey area. Such a task is daunting for a dreamer, so seek out the assistance of someone rational. Trust this person like you trust your heart.

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