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Contributor of the week: Rose Macijauskas

Maine Campus Media would like to acknowledge the work of one of our culture contributors Rose Macijauskas. 

Rose has been working for the Maine Campus since the start of the Spring 2023 semester and has been an excellent addition to our team. 

“She’s dedicated to her work and brings a variety of perspectives into her pieces,” said Emme Aylesworth, culture editor for Maine Campus Media. 

Rose is a second year at the University of Maine studying English. She is originally from Colchester, Connecticut, and her dream job would be working as a journalist. 

“Working for Maine Campus Media has given me writing experiences I wouldn’t otherwise have access to,” said Macijauskas. 

Rose has covered a variety of topics in her time here. She reflected on a recent article about the recent controversies around TikTok. 

“I thought I would get overwhelmed by technical jargon like data privacy and algorithms, but it wasn’t as confusing as I thought it’d be,” Macijauskas said. “I became completely engrossed in the topic and had fun weaving in comments from UMaine students and tying them back to concerns raised by state representatives.” 

In her free time, Rose enjoys hiking with her dogs and her favorite place on the UMaine campus is Fogler Library. 

“I wanted to be a culture contributor because I knew it would be fulfilling academically and personally,” Macijasuskas said. “It’s a job which has become one of the best parts of my week.”   

Thank you Rose for the work you have contributed to the Maine Campus. Her articles can be read each week on our website. 


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