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Student Senate debates Spring Break change

Vice President of Student Organizations Kevin Bois addressed General Student Senate on Nov. 10 regarding plans to split spring break into two separate weeks to align with other campuses in the University of Maine System.

Bois planned his testimony, which will be delivered this upcoming Monday for criticism and input from the Student Senate. Citing a poll administered to students, only 2 percent of the student body supports the change.

The change, which would take one week from spring break and add a week to winter break, was proposed with the idea that it would align all the campuses in the UMaine system as well as make winter break more conducive to the new “Winter Sessions” academic session.

The planned changes came under fire from the Student Senate as senators brought up that both the Honors College and Alternative Breaks have programs which rely on a two-week spring break.

Bois will attend a meeting of the University Board of Trustees in Augusta on Monday, Nov. 16,  to voice the dissenting student opinion and argue against the schedule change.


The Caribbean Club received $500 for their Island Flavor Social.

Student Heritage Alliance Council received $800 for International Thanksgiving.

South Asian Association of Maine received $335 for facility rental, food, tablecloths and decorations.

Improv Insanity received $278 for motor pool and registration fees.

Kappa Kappa Psi received $2,475 for a new trailer, wood shelving and decals.

The International Affairs Association received $1,880 for registration fees for their annual Model United Nations meet at McGill University in Canada.

Operation H.E.A.R.T.S. received $2,300 for housing, a motor pool and materials for their service trip to Buffalo, N.Y.

Nursing International received $1,800 for airfare for their annual service trip to Panama.

UMaine’s chapter of American Society of Civil Engineers received $2,800 for construction, and mix materials and a van rental. The van rental will allow the group to compete in the annual “Concrete Canoe” civil engineering contest at Wentworth Institute for Technology.

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