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GSS discusses climate change


Representatives from Maine Students for Climate Justice brought the General Student Senate to task Feb. 23. The group discussed the effects of climate change on Maine, including air and ocean temperatures rising as well as invasive species thriving.

“If you live in Maine and want to see the state continue to thrive and grow, this affects you,” a representative said.

Club Maintenance

Love Your Melon received preliminary club recognition.

Miniature War-Gaming Club received preliminary club recognition.

The Neuroscience Club received preliminary club recognition.

The Biological Science Undergraduate Research Club officially changed its name to URSA Minor.

Periodic Reports

Director of Communications spoke of the continuing efforts to gain more senators, including tabling and flyers.

Community Association Reports

The Student Women’s Association discussed the recent “Swaffle” event’s success. They are currently trying to get the Women’s Resource Center back — an informational center recently shut down from lack of funding. “We no longer have a safe space for women on this campus; the school needs to recognize that there must be representation for the minority [women].”

The Wilde-Stein Club is continuing their bake sales to cushion their drag show and pride week events.


$480 was given to American lnstitute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) for registration fees for the AlChE conference.

$670 was given to the African Student Association for registration for the Harvard African Development Conference.

$200 was given to the Swim Club for a hotel for an upcoming meet.

$800 was given to the Muslim Student Association for Honorarium for Islamic Awareness Week.

$500 was given to Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) for the SAE World Congress.

$400 was given to Engineers without Borders for Flight for Ecuador Assessment trip.

New Business

There was deliberation over the University of Maine Woodsmen Team’s request for funding for their upcoming competition. The request included money for transportation, hotel and registration fees for the six members traveling. Ultimately, the request for funding was denied.

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