Three representatives from the Tri Delta sorority brought the General Student Senate to task this week.
Invited by the University of Maine Panhellenic community, the women spent the week on the Orono campus, meeting with representatives from Greek life and other organizations. The sorority will be joining campus in the spring of 2017 but will be present in the upcoming fall, observing and supporting other Greek life recruitment.
“We’re really excited to partner with Greek life and lots of other organizations,” a representative said.
Club Presentations
Alternative Spring Breaks presented a slideshow to the Student Government and thanked them for funding their trips across the United States over spring break to national parks and farms.
Kappa Kappa Psi thanked the Student Government for helping fund a new trailer they were able to buy to store and transport the UMaine’s marching band equipment.
The Orono Student Nursing Association thanked the Student Government for help in funding their trip to the National Student Nursing Association Conference in Orlando, Fla.
The Ski and Snowboard Club thanked the Student Government for funding their vans to bring students to the surrounding mountains on the weekends.
The Swim Club thanked the Student Government for help in funding their hotel stay whilst competing at a swim meet at UMass Amherst.
Periodic Reports
Mallory Nightingale discussed the upcoming egg hunt to be held on campus on April 18 by the Student Government. If a student finds an egg with a number, they are to bring it into the Wade Center for a prize.
She mentioned that the website is currently in the review process and informed senators and employees of the student government that the website will be including head shots and short biographies of each of them.
Lastly, there are plans to reach out to professors of 100-level courses across the colleges in hopes of speaking to first-year students and informing them of the Student Government and everything it has to offer.
Army ROTC representative Thomas Fontaine informed the Student Government of their upcoming Black Bear Mentorship Program to be held in the field house on April 11 and April 14. The program invites children in the community to see what the ROTC life is like.
$200 was allocated to Engineers Without Borders for their office budget.
$800 was allocated to the Student Heritage Alliance Council for their registration.
$600 was allocated to the Caribbean Club for food for their carnival.
New Business
Philanthropy Chair of Kappa Sigma fraternity Devon Biggie presented himself to the Student Government in hopes of reviewing his initial request for money for the fraternity’s upcoming philanthropy event Fisher House Open. On April 23, Kappa Sigma is holding a golf tournament at Penobscot Valley Country Club, open to the public. There will be a $20 charge for individuals to play nine holes of golf and use a golf cart and there will be a free barbeque afterwards. The event will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Biggie’s request for funding would have covered the cost of using the country club as the venue. In his initial request, he asked for $1,500. After being denied, a new request for $1,000 was brought up. After much deliberation by the Student Government, no money was allocated to the fraternity’s event.