The General Student Senate was brought to task this week by Daniel Norwood informing the Student Government and its audience of the upcoming St. Baldrick’s head shaving event.
On May 4, Norwood asked the senators to come out and “brave the shave”. Senators Adam Fortier-Brown and Aaron Ortiz plan on participating and are currently fundraising. After Norwood’s speech, President Kevin Bois decided to also join the event.
Club Maintenance
The Rollerblading Club received preliminary club recognition.
The Spiritual Coexistence Student Group received final club recognition.
Club Presentations
Gamma Sigma Sigma thanked the Student Government for help in funding their trip to the National Conference in Hershey, Penn. At the conference, they attended three workshops and met many Gamma Sigma Sigma representatives from other districts across the country.
The Women’s Rugby Club thanked the Student Government for funding their trip to the Beast of the East Tournament in Rhode Island from April 15 to April 17. They were able to bring 35 girls to the tournament and made it to the final four.
The Tennis Club thanked the Student Government for helping in fund their indoor court time from January to April. The club was able to meet during the weeks and played against each other based on skill level.
Periodic Reports
Director of Communications Mallory Nightingale reported that the Student Government Inc. website is up and running. There will also be a press release coming soon for Maine Day activities.
Army ROTC reported that they will be participating in the upcoming Zimmerman challenge with two four-man teams.
$378.90 was allocated to the Fishing Club for their competition circuit.
$550 was allocated to the Fishing Club for their competition circuit for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year.
$1,200 was allocated to the Class Council of 2016 for buses, popcorn and a DJ for Senior Week at the Hollywood Casino.