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GSS reveals Maine Day Performers

New Senators and Officer Appointments

Senator Melody Cropley was sworn in this week.

Club Presentations

The American Society for Civil Engineers reported on their success in both the Concrete Canoe and Steel Bridge regional competitions in Connecticut. For the former, they won 7th place overall, but won 3rd place in the races, with a canoe weighing approximately 220 lbs. For the latter, their bridge held 2500 lbs. and was one of the six teams to pass the vertical load test.

The Animation Club returned from their trip to Anime Boston. The group got the chance to meet with English voice actors and Japanese directors, including Shingo Natsume, the director of Space Dandy and One-Punch Man.

The Fishing Club thanked the senate for funding their ice fishing equipment. The representative said they want to get more people hooked on fishing. The pun garnered mixed reactions, from chuckling to groans.

The Orono Student Nurses Association reported on their trip to NSNA National Convention in Dallas, where thousands of medical professionals and students from across the country to learn and network. There they met with the Acting Deputy Secretary of Maine Health Services and representatives from Life Flight of Maine.

Executive Reports

President Kevin Bois apologized for not being present last week due to illness. He’s been working on the Maine Day concert. No official announcements about artists yet, but he hopes to announce them later this week.

Vice President for Financial Affairs Robert Begin reported $67,637.63 in unallocated funds.

Vice President for Student Organizations Jacob Johnson met with the International Student Association and the Intramural Sports Council and plans to meet with the Latin American Student Organization (LASO) at 7 p.m. tonight.

Vice President for Student Entertainment Isaiah Mansour is making sure all documentation is complete before making any announcements for Maine Day concert artists. Any member of the student government that spends 5 hours tabling selling concert tickets will be placed in a raffle to meet with the artists.

Periodic Reports

The Board of Trustees will hold a campus budget meeting this Friday at 1 p.m., open to all senators.

The Fair Election Practices Commission was acquiring contact info from the incoming President and Vice President.

Legal Services Liaison Maria Maffucci met with Sean O’Mara, who has been reviewing Maine Day contracts, as well as his own. He is looking for ways to improve his advertising.

Graduate Student Senate Representative Erin Daugherty got an email asking about the GSS stance on the upcoming campus open carry bill. She sent back an email to discuss at a later date.

The Army ROTC held a joint field training exercise with UNH last weekend. Tomorrow morning, they will hold an IMT drill at the football field. Beyond that, they are preparing for their military ball on May 5.

Provost Council’s next meeting will be next Tuesday.

Reports of Standing Committees

Policy and Procedure thanked the senate for passing their resolution last week. Hiring policies are still being reviewed.

The last Services meeting of the year will be held on May 4.

Reports of Special Committees

The last UMS / Student Government Association Conference Planning Committee meeting will be held this Friday. Reports will still be given until the conference is over and done with. The senate will likely begin disbanding this committee on April 25.

Representative Board Reports

Interfraternity Council is holding a Facebook “Like” competition for Greek Week.

Student-Athlete Advisory’s plans for Mental Health Awareness week are complete, including yoga, meditation and therapy dogs.

Community Association Reports

The Student Health Awareness Council (SHAC) held their final big event last week and are planning an ice cream social to wrap up SHAC for the year.

Next week, the Student Women’s Association will be celebrating Beautiful Week. The group also had an extensive meeting with the Provost Council and Dean Dana, who have agreed to give them space for their on-campus pregnancy center. They hope to get the keys and have an event to celebrate before the end of the year.

Wilde Stein’s Pride Week started strong with Monday’s carnival and flag raising. The big highlight they’re preparing for is the drag show, on April 15 at 8 p.m.

New Business

American Society of Microbiology requested $1,080 for hotel and registration costs for their Microbe Conference. The event brings leading scientists worldwide and allows students the opportunity to network. Motion passed.

President Bois stood to detail the changes to Maine Day activities. In communicating with CASE, the Harry Potter-themed escape rooms weren’t booked quick enough and the $4,000 granted by the senate has been returned to unallocated. Bois then requested $500 for trailers that student groups can reserve to make floats in the parade. Motion passed.

The senate moved to an executive session from 6:45–7:11.

Maine Day performers were released as Sammy Adams and Hoodie Allen.

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