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GSS wraps up year with allocations and Maine Day training

Club Maintenance

The Associated Builders and Contractors requested a name change to “Student Construction Association,” to include the UMaine chapter of the Association of General Contractors. The motion passed.

The UMaine chapter of the Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, an organization dedicated to outreach and community service, requested preliminary recognition. Their long-term goal is to “reach out to people who need them” and serve Christ in a way consistent with the Bible. Recognition granted.

The Guitar Club came seeking preliminary recognition. Their goal is to bring musicians and interested beginners together and provide a stable learning environment to facilitate everyone’s growth as musicians. The group is distinct from the Acoustic Guitar Club, which has effectively disbanded due to its members having long since graduated, by including electric and bass guitars. Granted.

The Martial Arts Club requested preliminary recognition. Membership costs will be kept close to free and will allow experienced or brand new members to practice and learn. The two club officers have a black belt and a probationary black belt in Kenpo Karate and a hybrid style called Kajukenbo, respectively. Granted.

Club Presentations

The African Student Association thanked the senate for funding their trip to the Harvard African Development Conference. Among the 15 speakers was the 4th President of Ghana, H.E. John Mahama and human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa.

Cheerleading thanked the senate for funding their trip to Nationals, noting some difficulties this year with coaches, as well as “illegal stunts” costing them the win this year.

Dressage reported on their home show last weekend, thanking the senate for funding their biggest show yet.

The Maine Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society reported on their Northeastern Conclave, a gathering of other student chapters, for workshops, keynotes and networking.

The University of Maine Tennis Club reported on their upcoming matches with Bowdoin and UNE, among others, as well as their plans to volunteer on Maine Day and Moving Day.

The Women’s Ultimate Frisbee Team thanked the senate for their support and for helping to fund their trip to sectionals last weekend. The UNH tournament they planned to attend was cancelled due to a snow storm.

Executive Reports

President Kevin Bois reported that the Legal Services contract has been signed and agreed upon. He will be attending a meeting about the construction of the disc golf course that had been put on hold due to weather.

Vice President Jared Dumas reported that the meeting with Dean Dana and the budget meeting last Friday were cancelled. Executive applications for open positions next year will be available in the Memorial Union.

Vice President for Financial Affairs Robert Begin reported $69,774.15 in unallocated funds.

Vice President for Student Organizations Jacob Johnson has been focusing on the growth in the Political Activism committee.

Vice President for Student Entertainment Isaiah Mansour discussed the announcement of the spring concert performers. Free tickets will be personally distributed by members of the senate, saving students a total of $30,000 that would go to online distributors.

Periodic Reports

The Board of Trustees meeting was cancelled, due to a personal matter.

Legal Services has reviewed the entertainment contracts for the Maine Day concert and documentation for study abroad programs.

The Army ROTC’s dodgeball tournament will be held on April 28 and their ball on May 5.

Reports of Standing Committees

Policy and Procedure looked over student government hiring policies and will have their final resolutions before end of year.

The last Services meeting this year will be on May 4, serving as a wrap up to discuss summer plans to be completed before the fall semester.

Reports of Special Committees

The UMS / Student Government Association Conference will be held this Saturday at 3 p.m.

Representative Board Reports

Interfraternity Council is updating their website. Greek Week events will start on Friday at the Orono House of Pizza.

Panhellenic Council is preparing for Whiffle for Wishes on Saturday, April 29, Move Your Phi’T on Sunday, April 23 and Theta-Palooza.

Community Association Reports

The Student Heritage Alliance Council reported on a number of events being held by their constituent organizations: the Asian Student Association’s Taste of Asia event at the Memorial Union on April 22; Hillel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day event at MLK Plaza on April 24; and the Maine Day meal packing will be held on May 3.

The Student Women’s Association reported on their ongoing Beautiful Week events and are considering postponing the Slut Walk to the next day.

The Wilde Stein Alliance for Sexual Diversity were proud to announce that Pride Week was a huge success, especially the drag show. They have edited their by-laws so elections will happen at the end of fall, not the end of spring, to allow more shadowing time. They will be submitting for a name change to “Wilde Stein Queer-Straight Alliance,” to better communicate the organization’s purpose for those unaware. The original name was derived from Oscar Wilde and Gertrude Stein and since the organization was founded in 1973, was meant to allow members to mention it by name in casual conversation without revealing its purpose.

New Business

The Woodsmen’s Team requested $2,300 for propane heating and electricity in Roger F. Taylor Hall, to make the 6 a.m. morning practices five days a week throughout the year more comfortable, as well as conduct equipment maintenance with power tools. Motion passed.

Main Motion

The College Democrats requested $110 to cover preliminary last minute funding for food and fliers for their Earth Festival at the bus loop by the Memorial Union on April 21. Granted.

The Student Government Officers held a brief tabling training lecture about tabling for the Maine Day concert ticket sales, including managing the spreadsheet, the necessary items and contact information and the raffle for the chance to meet with the performers that any member who tables for more than five hours is eligible for.

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