Once the Senate updated the group photo on their webpage, the meeting was called to order.
Club Presentations
The Men’s Ultimate Frisbee Club thanked the Senate for funding their trip to a tournament in Falmouth, Mass., and apologized for not thanking them earlier.
Guest Speaker
Legal Services Attorney Sean O’Mara requested that new senators see him for mandatory training if they haven’t already. He also requested the Senate to relay any questions regarding legal issues from the student body to him. “I’m always happy to educate on legal matters.” O’Mara’s office hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Wade Center.
Executive Reports
President Mary Celeste-Floreani welcomed the Senate to their first meeting back since fall break, before wishing Vice President Logan Aromando a happy birthday. She reminded the Senate that they would be tabling in the Memorial Union in the next few weeks. The senate Thanksgiving dinner will be held at VP for Financial Affairs Ryan Wang’s residence on Nov. 20. Lastly she mentioned that she and Aromando met with Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students Robert Dana and President Susan Hunter about the student concert.
Vice President Logan Aromando reminded senators to attend their respective committee meetings.
Vice President for Financial Affairs Song Ping ‘Ryan’ Wang reported $313,424.87 in unallocated funds.
Vice President for Student Organizations Jacob Wood gave a reminder that clubs must update their information in the next two weeks within the Senate, or else be declared inactive.
Vice President for Student Entertainment Jared Dumas noted that he will have less to talk about in the public sphere as the year progresses. He’s currently looking at artist availability, and expanding the search for events to co-promote. He will be reaching out to athletics this week to talk about the upcoming hockey season.
Periodic Reports
The Faculty Senate will have its first meeting this Wednesday.
The Orono Town Council approved the renewal of Collins Center food licenses, and extended the moratorium on retail marijuana for another six months. Election Day is Nov. 7.
ROTC Representative Michael Davis could not attend, but sent a brief report stating that the details in last week’s report remain unchanged.
Director of Communications Miranda Roberts reported on the new Facebook cover photo, and the work being done on spreadsheet and email samples to groups about their funding requests, and the invites to the Senate Google group invites have been sent.
Reports of Standing Committees
Marketing and Public Relations will be tabling in the Memorial Union on Thursday 11-2:30 p.m.
The Membership Committee meetings will be held on Thursdays at 5 p.m. at the Wade Center.
Policy and Procedure is seeking a new time for committee meetings. They are tentatively planning to meet on Tuesdays from 5-6 p.m.
Services will be meeting on the first and third Friday of every month at 2 p.m.
Community Association Reports
The Student Heritage Alliance Council took pledges and estimations for costs of the Multicultural Thanksgiving last night. They are preparing for this year’s Culturefest, and a possible hunger banquet is currently in the early planning process.
The Feminist Collective held their annual Take Back The Night event today, and will use the Women’s Resource Center to create a decompression space tomorrow. They encouraged support for Wilde Stein’s upcoming events.
The Wilde Stein Queer Straight Alliance is throwing their annual events for Coming Out Week, and a multicultural panel.
New Business
The Senate passed the motion to allocate $2,750 to purchase new Student Government Inc. quarter-zip jackets now that their vests have all been claimed. After the purchase is approved, the order will likely be made by Thursday. They hope the jackets will be delivered before Thanksgiving.
The International Student Association requested $2,290 for tables, chairs, catering, paper products and printing services for the annual Culturefest on Nov. 4. Motion passed.
The Tennis club requested $4,000 to cover their fall and spring season. The money will be used for hotel fees, team jerseys, indoor court fees, and home match reservations. Motion passed.