Club Maintenance
Math Society was granted preliminary recognition as a new organization. The idea was presented by Vice President for Student Entertainment Jacob Wood, who said that the society would be beneficial because it would allow students who have already successfully completed math classes to tutor younger students of all majors. Wood also hopes the organization will bring together any students who are interested in math.
Project Generations was granted final recognition. President Chloe Gray started the organization last winter, and described it as a way to “connect students with older adults in the community to combat isolation and depression.” The group currently has 18 students matched with older adults in both nursing homes and private homes.
Guest Speakers
Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Life Robert Dana was invited as a guest speaker this week. He spoke about the importance of unity in today’s society, and applauded the University of Maine community for working together and speaking out against injustice, citing Take Back the Night and Coming Out Week as examples.
Dana also addressed the outspoken religious protestor on campus last Monday. “We had someone who came to express his heartfelt beliefs to our students, who expressed their heartfelt beliefs back,” Dana said. “It was a great moment because it was free speech at its root and it’s at the heart of democracy.”
He emphasized how crucial it is to put others ahead of yourself and to value inclusivity. Dana thanked the student senate for contributing to the community, saying that college students make the world a better place and that students should “speak loudly about what you’re trying to do, and never believe that you’re doing it alone.”
Executive Reports
President Mary-Celeste Floreani reported that the hiring process for the Fair Elections Practices Commission Chair is ongoing. The Senate will have a work day on Nov. 16, and executives are looking to appoint someone to sit on the Campus Security Committee.
Vice President Logan Aromando encouraged more speaking and debate, especially for new senators. He also reminded everyone to make sure they attend committee meetings.
Vice President for Financial Affairs Song Ping ‘Ryan’ Wong reported $303,078.87 in unallocated funds.
Vice President for Student Organizations Jacob Wood said that the Math Society will have an event soon, and reported that many organizations had been set as inactive and he was meeting with them to explain how to become activated again.
Vice President for Student Entertainment Jared Dumas reported that they were working on entertainment for the Nov. 17 hockey game against Boston University.
Periodic Reports
Faculty Senate had no report.
Board of trustees had no report.
Legal Services Liaison Maria Maffucci reported that Student Legal Services Representative Sean O’Mara has been doing work with club management and educating clubs on what they can and cannot do.
Graduate Student Senate Representative Trevor Lessard said that the school is working on adding more lights in dark areas of campus, as well as more bike racks. The graduate students are also interested in a mentorship program with undergraduates.
The Orono and Old Town councils had no report.
ROTC representative Michael Davis said that they completed field training this weekend, and would be attending the military appreciation football game this weekend as a battalion. ROTC is also planning to visit veterans in Bangor.
Director of Communications Miranda Roberts reminded clubs of their social media requirements, and is beginning preparations for a Senate Thanksgiving potluck.
Reports of Standing Committees
Marketing and Public Relations Chair Miranda Roberts reported that the committee has been successfully tabling, and meets at 11 a.m. on Wednesdays.
The membership committee had no report.
Policy and Procedure Chair Trevor Lessard reported that the committee had their first meeting on Tuesday.
Political Activism Chair Linh Phan said she is looking forward to having more members on the committee.
Services Chair Bentley Simpson is working on confirming the next meeting at the Wade Center.
Representative Board Reports
The Commuter and Non-Traditional Students, Honors College and Interfraternity Council boards had no reports.
The Panhellenic Council reported that Chi Omega is hosting a haunted house on Tuesday.
The Student Athlete Advisory board is partnering with Chick-Fil-A to focus on leadership development, and is continuing to plan Dodge for a Cause and the annual talent show.
Community Association Reports
Student Heritage Alliance Council Representative Mohammad ‘Fazeel’ Hashmi announced plans for this year’s Multicultural Thanksgiving, which will take place on Nov. 9.
Feminist Collective Representative Meghan Frisard reported a successful Take Back the Night event on Oct. 17, and announced the Out of Silence event on Nov. 10 in Minsky Recital Hall.
The members of Wilde Stein are grateful to all who participated in Coming Out Week, and are planning Gay Thanksgiving on Nov. 16.
Green Team was granted $850 for bus rental for their Take Pride in Acadia Day on Nov. 4.
Intramural Sports Council was granted $681.21 for registration fees and hotel for their Regional Flag Football Tournament from November 3-5 at Springfield College in Springfield, Mass.
Disc Golf was granted $800 for grounds preparation
New Business
An act to allocate $800 to Women’s Wrestling was tabled until next week.
An act to allocate $4,710 to Women’s Ultimate Frisbee covering fall semester needs for entry fees and new equipment was approved.
An act to allocate $3,223.23 for the Latin American Student Organization’s Dia de los Muertos celebration was approved. The cost is higher this year because a mariachi band has been hired to perform.
Special Orders and Announcements
The Sophomore Owls and Sophomore Eagles hosted a haunted trail behind the Rec Center on Friday, Oct. 27.
Beta Theta Pi and CASE hosted a Halloween party in the Bear’s Den on Saturday, Oct. 28.
The Track and Field team hosted a Halloween 5k and 3k Fun Run on Sunday, Oct. 29, beginning at the Track and Field Complex. Pre-registration was $10 and day-of event registration was $12.