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Student Government

General announcements

President of the Maine Human Rights Coalition James Varner called on the Senate to purchase tickets to the Black Lives Matter Black History Month Breakfast, which was held Saturday, Feb. 18 in the Wells Conference Center. Tickets purchased by members of Student Government were donated to “needy individuals,” including Job Corps participants and those in shelters who cannot afford a meal. “We in the black community need the white community to join hands with us,” Varner said. “We need you to stand up for what’s right.”

The breakfast included two choirs as well as a speech from black educator and activist Betty Trout Kelly.

New Senators and Resignations

John O’Donoghue was sworn in as a new senator. Mia Kaufman resigned as a senator.

Club Maintenance

The Catholic Student Association was reactivated as an organization, and changed its name to Black Bear Catholic in order to appear more inviting and add a sense of campus connection.

The Game Developers Guild was granted preliminary club recognition.

The Mapping Club and the Martial Arts Club were granted final club recognition.

Executive Reports

President Mary-Celeste Floreani has been working with the Honors College Advisory Board to plan the Meal Pack Out for Maine Day.

Vice President Logan Aromando has been collaborating with Policy and Procedures chair Trevor Lessard to begin drafting Student Government bylaw amendments.

Vice President for Financial Affairs Song Ping ‘Ryan’ Wong reported $331,549.40 in unallocated funds.

Vice President for Student Organizations Jacob Wood highlighted this week’s Club Spotlight, the Pre-Law Society. He also promoted the week’s Kickin’ Flicks film, “Happy Death Day.”

Vice President for Student Entertainment Jared Dumas reported that events for Maine Day are coming along “slowly but surely,” and that Student Entertainment is working with Wilde Stein to provide insurance for the upcoming drag show.

Periodic Reports

Faculty Senate was canceled last week due to snow.

Legal Services representative Maria Maffucci reported that Attorney Sean O’Mara had court last Thursday for a student, and is working to get entertainment insurance for the upcoming drag show.

Director of Communications Miranda Roberts was in Augusta attending State of the State, but President Floreani read her report. Roberts planned the rollout for this week’s Club Spotlight, the Pre-Law Society.

University of Maine Security Representative Bentley Simpson said that he was unable to attend Wednesday’s meeting and was looking for someone to fill in.

Reports of Standing Committees

President Floreani reported on behalf of Marketing and Public Relations chair Miranda Roberts that she was creating promotional materials for committee meetings and encouraged everyone to sign up for tabling.

Policy and Procedure chair Trevor Lessard met with Vice President Aromando last week to discuss potential changes to the senator election system.

Political Activism has not begun meetings yet.

Services chair Chase Flaherty is working on choosing a meeting time.

Reports of Special Committees

The Maine Day committee is working with different leadership groups across campus to plan service projects for Maine Day.

Representative Board Reports

Honors College Student Advisory Board representative James ‘Jack’ Brown reported that they were pushing back their viewing of “The Shining” in Estabrooke until the following Friday due to a licensing issue. Brown announced an upcoming “Donuts with the Dean” event with Honors College Dean Francois Amar, as well as an undergraduate bar crawl planned for the end of Greek Week in April.

The Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils met with Dean Robert Dana on Thursday.

Community Association Reports

President Floreani reported on behalf of Student Heritage Alliance Council representative Mohammad ‘Fazeel’ Hashmi that progress was being made on the Multicultural Mosaic to be held on March 30 in the Union.

President Floreani reported on behalf of Feminist Collective representative Meghan Frisard that the Vagina Monologues raised $900 for the Women’s Resource Center and the Mabel Wadsworth Center, and that Feminist Collective will be hosting a showing of “The Hunting Ground” toward the end of the month.

President Floreani reported on behalf of Wilde Stein representative Skylar Rungren that the Queer Valentine’s Ball was held on Tuesday night, and Wilde Stein is finalizing contracts for the drag show.

Consent Agenda

Allocations of $300 to the Honors College Board for a showing of “The Shining” and $50 to Sophomore Owls for food and beverages for their informational meeting were approved by the Senate.

Unfinished Business

Simpson was elected President Pro Tempore; he will take Vice President Aromando’s place if he is unable to attend a meeting.

Senator Harrison Ransley was elected to the Executive Budgetary Committee.

New Business

The Woodsmen’s Team was granted $6,475 for meet registrations, hotel, bathroom, wood, food for their home meet and new axes.

The Honors College Student Advisory Board was granted $8,500 for the Meal Pack Out on Maine Day. Five thousand dollars will be allocated for meals, which will largely be staying on campus and will be made available for members of the UMaine community who don’t have access to proper nutrition. The remainder will go to food for volunteers, pack out lines, printing and event supplies.

Advertising and Correspondence was granted $2,000 for key chains, brochures, phone wallets, bumper stickers, tabling material, Easter Egg Hunt, Facebook promotions and Maine Day promotions.

The Orono Student Nurses Association was granted $1,200 to send seven students to the National Student Nurses Association Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee from April 4 to April 7.

Special Orders and Announcements

The Class of 2018 had a half-off drinks event at Orono House of Pizza on Wednesday.

President Floreani stressed the importance of the upcoming Student Government Association Conference; the conference is an opportunity to show the University of Maine System that the student government in Orono is active and engaged.

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