New Senators and Officer Appointments
Senator Observation, Cameron Bowie.
Club Maintenance
The president-elect of the Volleyball Club returned to once again urge the Senate not to merge the men and women’s teams. He wished to keep the combined practices, but to stay separate to compete in individual tournaments. Vice President for Student Organizations Jacob Wood informed him that both teams will be listed as inactive unless they merge, that the men’s team would not reach the desired funding tier separately and that the two teams within the merged club could compete in separate tournaments as desired. With this information, the president-elect rescinded his request, and the merger was passed.
Executive Reports
President Mary-Celeste Floreani reported that her responsibilities are slowly winding down as the year comes to an end. She is focusing on hiring other executives and staff members, as well as hosting events on Maine Day.
Vice President Logan Aromando has been sitting on hiring committees. He is also working with the vice president-elect to set goals for next year.
Vice President for Financial Affairs Song Ping ‘Ryan’ Wong reported $141,790.50 in unallocated funds.
Vice President for Student Organizations Jacob Wood has had a busy couple of weeks, having worked on three concluded elections for the International Student Association, the Senior Class Council and Wilde Stein.
Vice President for Student Entertainment Jared Dumas reported on the successful spring concert, citing no expected logistical problems. He is currently figuring out how to raffle off a handful of autographed posters, or use some as thank-you gifts. Two will be laminated and hung in the office for record purposes.
Periodic Reports
The Legal Services report standard meetings for Sean O’Mara, as well as the usual request for new University of Maine Student Government (UMSG), Inc. employees and senator to meet with him.
Director of Communications Miranda Roberts could not attend this week’s meeting, due to a family emergency. Her report noted her work for the Maine Event Concert, answering student inquiries, handling social media and coming up with promotional ideas.
The Center for Undergraduate Research gave thanks to anyone who volunteered or sharedresearch for the Tuesday’s Symposium.
Reports of Standing Committees
Marketing and Public Relations’ Club Spotlight continues.
Reports of Special Committees
Maine Day Committee has been squaring away the contracts for food trucks and rental companies. Now they are working to get details finalized.
Representative Board Reports
The Honors College Student Advisory Board’s bar crawl event went off without a hitch, raising just under $1,500.
The Interfraternity Council reported a successful Greek Week.
The Panhellenic Council finalized their recruitment dates for the second week of classes.
The Senior Class Council has new office space.
The Sustainability and Environmental Actions Division will be holding elections for the fall semester next week.
Community Association Reports
The Feminist Collective will be co-sponsored this Friday’s Sex Carnival in the Bangor Room, followed by the upcoming Body Positivitea, Clothes Swap, Spa Day, SlutWalk and Sex Ed Workshop events, making for a busy two weeks.
New Business
The Dressage Team requested $2,014 to cover hotel and flight costs for one person and two coaches for the IDA Nationals in Lake Erie College, Ohio. This will mark the first time in five years having only one person go to nationals. Due to precedents, could only allocate maximum of $200 to the individual in question for the flight. But precedents have been broken before. The Senate passed an act to amend Rule IV of the Standing Rules to strike the now-inactive Student Athletic Advisory Committee from the agenda, no longer recognized as a representative board in the eyes of the Student Senate.
An act to amend Article IV of the Student Organization Recognition Policies, barring graduate students employed by the University of Maine from acting as advisors for organizations, did not reach the necessary number of votes and failed.
The Philosophy Club requested $240 for catering and decorations for their launch party. Motion passed.
UMSG, Inc requested $20,950 for food, beverages, experiences, rides, general staging and advertising for a Maine Day event tentatively named “Bananaland.” Motion Passed.