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This Week in GSS

New Senators and Officer Appointments, Resignations

One new senator, Cody Embelton, was sworn in this week. Senators Jacob Bradshaw and Zachary LaBonne resigned from their positions.

Executive Reports

President Logan Aromando began by welcoming everyone to the new school year. Before introducing the new executive members, he reminded the Senate that Student Government would be tabling at the Student Organization Fair on Sept. 5. President Aromando is looking forward to “all [the Student Senate] can accomplish this year.”

Vice President Bentley Simpson reported on two new initiatives: a biweekly vice president’s cabinet to support the work of senate committees, and a workshop on Robert’s Rules of Order. He also noted that the act of mandating senators to attend at least two events per semester as representatives of the body had fallen to the wayside, and he would be looking to re-establish this obligation during the semester.

Brad Bailey, vice president for Financial Affairs reported $122,756 in unallocated funds this week.

Taylor Cray, vice president for Student Organizations again urged senators to attend the Student Organizations Fair.

Corey Claflin, vice president for Student Entertainment reported on a successful Student Government-sponsored performance by comedian Corey Rodrigues over the weekend. “All the first-years loved it,” Claflin said.

Periodic Reports

The University of Maine System board of trustees representative did not have a report.

Director of Communications for Student Government, Austin Steward, announced a new student senator of the week “Instagram takeover” initiative.

The Army ROTC representative was not present for this meeting.

The University of Maine security representative did not have a report.

Reports of Standing Committees

The Membership and Political Activism committees did not have reports.

The Services Committee is planning to establish a regular meeting time for the semester.

Representative Board Reports

Commuter and non-traditional students held their welcome day last Thursday and reported a large turn out. First Friday Bagels began for the new semester on Sept. 7 at 8 a.m. This event is held every first Friday of the month.

The Honors College Student Advisory Board reported that its first meeting was to be on Thursday, Sept. 6.

The Interfraternity Council representative did not have a report.

Panhellenic Council reported on its summer-long preparations for formal recruitment, which starts the week of Sept. 10. Over 300 women have registered so far, largely through engagement with current Greek life members at summer orientations. Panhellenic Council hopes to have 100-150 new sign-ups by the first week of formal recruitment and, in the end, hand out 250 bids of membership.

The Senior Class Council representative introduced herself and said she was excited to work with the Senate.

The Sustainability and Environmental Action Committee announced it was planning to have its first meeting on Thursday, Sept. 6, at 6:30 p.m.

Community Association Reports

Wilde Stein: Queer Straight Alliance will be holding elections for vice president as the previous position-holder will not be attending UMaine this fall.

The Student Heritage Alliance Council had no report.

The Feminist Collective representative, Meghan Frisard, reported this semester’s meeting time: Mondays at 7 p.m. in the Totman Room, Memorial Union.

New Business

There was no new business to discuss.

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