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This week in GSS

Club maintenance

The Student Senate voted to reactivate the Anthropology, Maine Steiners and Horticulture clubs.

Club presentations

The Bioengineering Club thanked the Student Senate for allocating funds to tour the IDEXX/IL lab and a hotel stay.

CRU, a student religious group, thanked the Student Senate for helping to fund their trip to a conference that allowed them to network with students from other universities.

The Mountain Biking Club thanked the Student Senate for funding supplies and transportation to their recent competition, where they placed 10th out of 28 competitors from the east coast.

Executive reports

President Logan Aromando was not in attendance.

Vice President for Financial Affairs Bradley Bailey reported $147,090 in unallocated funds.

Vice President for Student Organizations Taylor Cray announced that Operation Hearts was the club of the week. She informed the Student Senate about how successful advertising for clubs on Instagram was and that their views have increased.

Vice President for Student Entertainment Corey Claflin talked about ordering free shirts to give away to students upon presentation of their Mainecard.

Periodic reports

Representative to the Graduate Student Senate Tiffany Tanner reported to the Student Senate that the graduate school is thinking about developing more Engaged Back Bear badges that will be available to undergraduate students.

Old Town City Council Liaison Emmeline Willey reported to the Student Senate that the Old Town Mill will be reopening.

Reports of standing committees

Harrison Ransley with the Political Activism Committee talked about distributing information packets about having civil discussions with people who have opposing political views. Ransley noted that civil discussions broke down on campus during a recent protest.

Representative board reports

Chris Toothaker announced that the Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Board will hold Non-Traditional Student Week Oct. 29 to Nov. 2.

Chase Flaherty with the Honors College Student Advisory Board announced that students can sign up to have breakfast with the Dean Francois Amar. On Oct. 26, they are hosting a Frankenstein themed movie night and discussion.

Stephanie Poirier with the Panhellenic Council announced to the Student Senate that they hung a banner on the South Bridge in the Memorial Union that students signed as a pledge to end hazing on campus.  Poirier reported multiple philanthropy events that will take place the following weekend.

Sheldon Greene with the Sustainability and Environmental Actions Division announced that the Bears Den inventory is going to be 90 percent compostable by the current week or next.

Community association reports

Mohammad Hashmi with the Student Heritage Alliance Council (SHAC) reported that Culturefest is slated for Nov. 3. SHAC is planning on holding a multicultural Thanksgiving on Nov. 15. and co-hosting Native American heritage month in November. They will be doing two class-series on Nov. 7 and 14, for beadwork and moccasin building. Hashimi also reported that SHAC is developing an event called Multicultural Mondays.

Aiden Ciaffaglione with Wilde Stein: Queer Straight Alliance announced last week was Coming Out Week and that the group had two events planned.

The International Student Association announced they were developing posters for Culturefest in November. They are volunteering at a middle school in Orono on Nov. 9, working on a masquerade formal on Nov. 30, and they are still developing a free skating event for sometime November.

Consent agenda

The Student Senate approved the consent agenda that would allocate $455 to the Navigators Club for a fall conference, $645 to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for trip and club expenses and $200 to the Maine Animal Club for their office budget.

Special orders and announcements

Vice President Simpson reminded Student Senate to vote in the upcoming election.

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