New senators, officer appointment and resignations
Sean Connolly resigned from the Student Senate.
Club maintenance
The Student Senate granted recognition to the Chess Club.
Executive reports
President Logan Aromando informed the Senate that they received 1,900 T-shirts with a homecoming logo to distribute at the football game on Oct. 27. He informed the Senate that the Dirigo leadership conference in Connecticut was a success. The Student Government conference with all of the student governments in the University of Maine System is April 13-14.
Vice President Bentley Simpson reported that $1,000 was used for a Student Government retreat.
Vice President for Financial Affairs Bradley Bailey reported $476,313.61 in unallocated funds. The Black Student Union returned $323.36.
Vice President for Student Entertainment Corey Claflin talked about a comedy show his committee is bringing to the Collins Center for the Arts on Nov. 19 at 7 p.m.
Periodic reports
Student Legal Services Liaison Cameron Bowie reported to the Student Senate that Shawn O’Mara posted flyers around campus about his legal services available to students.
Director of Communications Austin Steward mentioned that Student Government put up flyers about legal services available to UMaine students in the dorms.
Representative boards reports
Chris Toothaker with the Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Board reported on plans for a pumpkin pancake contest on halloween. He reported that the coming week is Non-Traditional Students week and announced that the group will host a costume contest on Wednesday and will announce the winners on Friday.
Chase Flaherty with the Honors College Student Advisory Board reported that the group had a “Frankenstein” movie night on Friday. They are working on the Honors Mentor Program for incoming freshman.
Sheldon Green with the Sustainability and Environmental Actions Division told the Senate that the group had tabled its residential composting program indefinitely. They are planning an event on Nov. 5-6 to get student feedback and insight on sustainability on campus.
Community association reports
Mohammad Hashmi with the Student Heritage Alliance Council is planning the Culture Festival for Nov. 3. They are meal planning for Multicultural Thanksgiving and also planning a movie night on Nov. 30.
Aiden Ciaffaglione with Wilde Stein: Queer Straight Alliance reported that the group was finishing up with Coming Out week. They had over 100 T-shirts to tie-dye and gave out the majority of them.
Zarni Chanapatdaychaporn with the International Student Association reported that the group has 22 active members. They expect over 100 people to attend their coffee hour on Friday. On Nov. 3, the group will be handing out posters for the upcoming Culture Fest. and they will visit a middle school in Old Town to present on the cultures of China and India on Nov. 9. They are hosting a masquerade ball on Nov. 30.
Consent agenda
The Student Senate approved the consent agenda that allocates $250 to the Commuter and Non-Traditional Student Week, $700 to the Maine Peace Action Committee and $800 to the Green Team.
New business
The Student Senate nominated Sen. Stanger for the Executive Budget Committee.
Special orders and announcements
President Aromando reminded the Student Senate to stay safe during Homecoming and reminded them about the new tailgating policy. He reminded everyone to vote on election day.