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This week in GSS

New senators, officer appointments and resignations

Camille Brochu and Mikaela Shae were sworn in as student senators.

Club maintenance

A representative from the University of Maine Standardbred Drill Team — an organization that rehabilitates and trains horses at Witter Farm — spoke about the club’s planned reactivation. She said the club has roughly 25 members, has been recruiting new members and plans to host events in the coming months. In the spring, she said, club members will be preparing for performances.

The Student Senate voted to reactivate the group.

Executive reports

President Logan Aromando urged senators to vote and offered a ride to the polls. He mentioned that spring concert planning was underway and that anyone who was interested could join the planning committee. Aromando said semi-regular meetings with UMaine administration went well.

Vice President Bentley Simpson also reported a successful meeting with UMaine administration and urged senators to vote.

Vice President for Financial Affairs Bradley Bailey was not in attendance, but Vice President Simpson reported $462,099.62 in unallocated funds. During the report, President Aromando reminded the Senate that this number only represents past expenses and does not factor in budgeted funds that have yet to be allocated, like the spring concert.

Vice President for Student Organizations Taylor Cray said the club of the week was the Feminist Collective, who organized the Party at the Polls event for Election Day.

Vice President for Student Entertainment Corey Claflin urged senators to pick up tickets for the upcoming comedy show organized by Student Government and announced upcoming meetings for spring concert planning.

Periodic reports

Director of Communications Austin Steward urged senators to like and share the Facebook event for the Student Government’s upcoming comedy show.

Reports of standing committees

Chair of the Policy and Procedure Committee Senator Chase Flaherty said that there would be an upcoming motion to amend a part of Student Government bylaws in new business.

Chair of the Political Activism Committee Harrison Ransley again urged senators to vote and thanked the members of his committee for their work.

Representative board reports

Senator Flaherty spoke on behalf of James Brown, the Honors College Student Advisory Board representative to the Senate and president. Flaherty said that he and Brown would be attending an Honors conference in Boston later in the week. The rest of the club is working on planning a student workshop.

President of the Interfraternity Council (IFC) Cole Lemelin thanked the Senate for its funding allocation to IFC for a speaker they are sponsoring. He asked senators to share the Facebook event for this speaker.

President of the Panhellenic Council Stephanie Poirier reported that they would be interviewing and organizing candidates for the new executive board in the coming weeks.

Representative for the Sustainability and Environmental Action Committee Sheldon Green reported that the group had been tabling during the week.

Community association reports

President of the Student Heritage Alliance Council (SHAC) Mohammad Fazeel Hashmi updated the Student Senate on various cultural clubs’ events, including a Diwali event on Nov. 10. Hashmi said that Culturefest was a success and that his group is preparing for Multicultural Thanksgiving on Nov. 15.

President Aromando reported on behalf of the Wilde Stein: Queer Straight Alliance that the group would be helping to host a Gay Thanksgiving event.

Zarni Chanapatdaychaporn echoed SHAC President Hashmi in reporting a successful Culturefest. He mentioned a couple of upcoming events, including International Coffee Hour, which takes place every Friday, an ice skating event and a presentation at Leonard Middle School in Old Town about India and China.

New business

The Student Senate approved an allocation of $1,112 to SHAC for the group’s Multicultural Thanksgiving.

Senator Flaherty proposed a resolution to update the Student Government bylaws with clarification on the role of periodic report positions and the requirement of senators to serve on internal committees. The motion was amended before being voted on and accepted by the Senate.

The Student Senate approved an allocation of $75 to the Maine Steiners for a van rental for the group’s upcoming trip to perform at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute from Nov. 10-11.

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