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This week in GSS

Club presentations

The University of Maine American Society of Mechanical Engineers thanked the Student Senate for providing funding for their coaster derby competition at University of New Brunswick. 14 members attended and they placed sixth out of seven.

The Dressage Club thanked the Student Senate for providing funds for their competitions this semester. They reported that the show season was successful.

The UMaine Woodsmen Team thanked the Student Senate for allocating funds for the group’s competition this season. The funding went towards entry fees and other competition costs.

Guest speakers

Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko gave a speech to the Senate about increasing their participation in Student Government events and promotion on campus.

Executive reports

President Logan Aromando talked to the Student Senate about switching to a college-based election system for students running for the Senate next semester. He announced he is in the process of finalizing scholarship decisions and noted that the first 500 tickets to the football game held on Saturday, Dec. 1, would be free to UMaine students.

Vice President Bentley Simpson reminded senators to attend events on campus and said that he and Aromondo were preparing for an upcoming meeting with University administration.

Vice President for Financial Affairs Bradley Bailey told the Student Senate that he would be announcing a new number for unallocated funds later in the meeting.

Vice President for Student Entertainment Corey Claflin told the Senate that the comedian show went well. He reminded everyone about the spring concert being planned for April 27, 2019.

Periodic reports

Faculty Senate Student Representative Harrison Ransley reported on what was discussed at the recent faculty-senate meeting.

Chair of the Fair Election Practices Commission Matthew Akers reported to Student Senate that he is working on finalizing the timeline for Senate elections. Applications are expected to open around Dec. 3, and the election will be held after winter break.

Orono Town Council Liaison Cameron Bowie reported that he attended a Town of Orono workshop. He told the Student Senate about a retail marijuana shop that has submitted a business application and the Light Up the Town celebration in Orono on Dec. 3. He also mentioned a sewage overflow that had occured near Orchard Trails.

Director of Communications Austin Steward reported on an end of the semester survey that will be handed out to organizations.

Representative board reports

Chris Toothaker with the Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Representative Board reported that the group is planning on hosting a pancake breakfast with mulled cider and apple pancakes on Dec. 2.

Cole Lemelin with the Interfraternity Council (IFC) reported that the group will be having a motivational speaker come to campus on Monday, Dec. 3. He also mentioned that the IFC has a new executive board.

Sheldon Green with the Sustainability and Environmental Actions Division announced that the group will be hosting a TEDx event in the spring.

Community association reports

The Student Heritage Alliance Council reported that the Multicultural Thanksgiving on Nov. 15 was the most successful one to date. The group is planning another movie night for Nov. 30.

Brianna Belair with the Feminist Collective announced that the Collective will be hosting an event called the Vagina Monologues in the spring semester.

The Wilde Stein: Queer Straight Alliance reported that the Trans Day of Remembrance was rescheduled for Nov. 30. The group will also help host Pride Week in April.

A representative from the International Student Association reported that the group was planning to host a karaoke night on Nov. 30 in the Multicultural Office in the Memorial Union and a masquerade formal in Wells Conference Center on Dec. 7.

Consent agenda

The consent agenda to allocate $200 to the Horticulture organization for their office budget was approved. The Senate approved $250 for a movie night that the Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Committee will host.

New business

The Student Senate voted to allocate $1,849.73 to the International Student Association for the group’s masquerade formal.

The Student Senate approved $1,540 to the UMaine American Society of Civil Engineers for an event they will host this spring.

The Student Senate tabled a motion to establish a special committee called the Student Conduct Code Committee within the Student Senate for next meeting.

The Student Senate approved the EWE Maine Icelandic Sheep club to reallocate funds within their office budget to more accurately reflect their needs.

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