Club maintenance
The Student Senate voted to grant preliminary recognition to a local chapter of Ratio Christ, an international non-profit organization that seeks to bring an intellectual and philosophical approach to discussing faith on college campuses.
Executive reports
President Logan Aromando welcomed the Student Senate back from winter break. He announced that Vice President for Financial Affairs Bradley Bailey had stepped down and said that applications would be open to fill the position. On Friday, Aromondo said, he would be attending a meeting with University administrators, and preparation was underway for Student Government-sponsored Maine Day events. Finally, Aromondo said that elections for non-executive Student Government positions would be held during the coming weeks.
Vice President Bentley Simpson described the process of nominating and electing non-executive positions and said that he was planning the details of the spring Student Senate retreat.
President Aromando gave the vice president for financial affairs report, noting $180,528 in unallocated funds. Returns to unallocated funds include: $160.90 from the Student Heritage Alliance Council (SHAC), $16.45 from Asian Student Association, $700 from Fishing Club, and $500 from the Interfraternity Council (IFC).
Vice President for Student Organizations Taylor Cray announced a spring organizations fair taking place on Friday, Jan. 25. She also noted that her committee would begin meeting soon and that regular club advertising was forthcoming
Vice President for Student Entertainment Corey Claflin announced that planning was well underway for the spring concert and that senators interested in helping out could join the Student Entertainment Committee.
Representative boards
President of the Interfraternity Council Andrew Arsenault reported that there would be a sponsored trivia night during the next week and on Jan. 26 fraternities would be hosting open houses for prospective new members.
President of the Panhellenic Council Stephanie Porior announced that they were updating sorority rosters and over break she was working to set up a new risk management program.
Community association reports
President of the SHAC Fazeel Hashmi said that his group had recently tabled at a Martin Luther King Day event in Bangor and that the group is working on a service project and other new events.
Co-Chair of the Feminist Collective Miranda Snyder announced that the group’s first meeting would be on Monday, Jan. 28.
New business
Nominations were held for members of the Executive Budgetary Committee and Student Organization Committee, Faculty Senate student representative, Student Legal services liaison, representative to the Graduate Student Senate, Orono Town Council liaison, Old Town City liaison, UMaine security representative, Center for Undergraduate Research liaison, Membership chairperson, Policy and Procedure chairperson, Political Activism chairperson, Services chairperson and Student Conduct Code Oversight and Review Committee.