New Senators, officer Appointments and resignations
Elisabeth Redwood was sworn in as a senator.
Club maintenance
The American Chemical Society was seeking final recognition from the Senate.
The Spikeball Club was seeking final recognition from the Senate.
The Marsh Island Birding Club was seeking reactivation for the club.
Club presentations
The International Affairs association reported that they attended the McGill Model United Nations Conference during January in Montreal, Quebec.
The Orono Student Nursing Association reported that members were in attendance at the National Student Nursing Association Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, during the first week of April.
The Trap and Skeet Club reported that the club competed at the New England Clay Cup in Burlington, Massachusetts during April.
New business
Funds of $3,000 were to be allocated to the Senior Class Council for a trip to the Orono Trampoline Park for Senior Week during the first week of May. This motion was passed by the Senate.
The Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry was seeking the allocation of funds for their TREE Trip in May to Germany and Austria. This motion was passed by the Senate.
The Traditional Music and Dance group sought funds for the caller and band for their events through 2020. This motion was passed by the Senate.
The Mountain Bike Club was seeking the allocation of $3,500 for licenses, registration costs and rentals for their upcoming racing season. This motion was passed by the Senate.
The public portion of Student Senate concluded with Vice President Bentley Simpson calling for a closed executive session.