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General Student Senate

The Sept. 18 General Student Senate meeting began with the approval of the Sept. 3 meeting minutes and agenda. 

General Good and Welfare:

Vice President Chase Flaherty discussed the Robert’s Rules Item of the Week: point of privilege. He reminded the senate that they should be calling point of privilege if they are adding clarifying or important information outside of the discussion. 

New Senators, Officer Appointments, Resignations:

Sens. Tiffany Curro, Eli Legere and Fran Woodworth resigned from the senate. Frank Kelly was observing the senate. Sens. Carl Durocher, Benjamin Orgel and Peter Alexander were appointed and sworn into the senate.

Club Presentations:

UMaine Cru came in to discuss the winter conference the group attended in Baltimore, Maryland last winter. 

Executive Reports:

President Bentley Simpson discussed the success of the recent organization fair. He reminded the senate of the date and time that cabinet is to be held. Simpson also alluded to the projects that are currently in the works with more details to come. 

Flaherty reminded the senate that nominations for vacant positions are coming up and that there will be an all senators meeting to discuss each position. He also reminded the group to dress appropriately for the senate meetings. 

Vice President of Financial Affairs Jack O’Donoghue announced that more members are needed for Executive Budget Committee (EBC). O’Donoghue reported that the 3D Printing Club added line items to their budget. 

The Sustainability and Environment Action Division (SEAD) requested $3,000.

Volleyball requested $8,000.

The Student Organization Committee requested $6,500

All were tabled.

Vice President for Student Organizations Taylor Cray reported that the organization fair went well and that the Student Organizations Committee is in need of more members. Cray also reported that the forum system is to be updated and reminded senators to contact her if needed. 

Vice President for Student Entertainment Logan Aromando encouraged those of the senate to join the student entertainment committee. Aromando reported that contracts for events are being finalized and he is working with Campus Activities and Student Engagement (CASE) to create Halloween events. He also announced that bumper ball soccer is in the works.

Periodic Reports:

University of Maine Board of Trustees Student Representative Abby Despres reported that the first meeting with the board is coming up and reminded the senate to come to her with issues that should be brought to the board’s attention. 

Chair of Fair Election Practices Commission Matthew Akers reported that elections were to be that night and that applications for senator at large would be available soon. 

Director of Communications Owen Vadala requested that clubs communicate with him if they would like to have their club advertised. He also reported that there are senator applications available. 

Reports of Standing Committees:

Membership representative Zachary Wyles was absent and his report was given by Simpson. Simpson outlined that the senator binders were to be worked on and that if senators would like to join the Membership Committee they need to contact Sen. Wyles. 

Services Representative Emmaline Wiley reported that the first meeting with UMaine services is coming up and encouraged members of the senate to come to her with any concerns regarding issues on campus. 

Reports of Special Committees:

Student Conduct Code Oversight and Review Committee Representative Harrison Ransley reported that he will be reaching out to students on campus encouraging them to join committees as well as reaching out to other campuses to go over the conduct codes. 

Representative Board Reports:

Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Representative Ian Johnson reminded the senate of bagel Fridays and encouraged the members to attend. He also reported that there is a pancake breakfast in the works.

Honors College Student Advisory Board Representative Lauren Ryan reported that their welcome back barbecue was a success and the first meeting is coming up. 

Interfraternity Council Representative Andrew Aresnault reported that fraternity recruitment is underway and encouraged members to reach out to him or others apart of Greek life for more information. He also reminded the senate that the Greek Welcome Back will be held on Sept. 22. 

Panhellenic Council Representative Stephanie Poirer was absent for the meeting so Simpson gave her report. The Panhellenic Council is currently hosting sorority recruitment and there are about 115 potential new members signed up for the event.

Senior Class Council Representative Joshua Minor reminded the senate that seniors are needed to help create senior week and that meetings are held on Thursdays. 

Sustainability and Environmental Actions Division Representative Dalton Bouchles reported that the first meeting was held and that there is participation in the river cleanup being discussed. He also reported that he has been spending a lot of time doing outreach to students on campus. 

Community Association Reports:

Student Heritage Alliance Council Representative Anna Schaab reported that many new members have joined and there is a haunted house in the works.

Feminist Collective Representative Hannah Snyder reported that there are a lot of new members and, as always, coffee hour will be held on Friday.

Consent Agenda:

American Society of Mechanical Engineers funding and Woodsmen Team funding was accepted.

Nominations and Elections:

Sen. Trawick was nominated to be Orono Town Council Liaison.

Representative of the University of Maine Army ROTC did not get any nominations at this meeting.

Sen. Palmieri was nominated for the position of University of Maine Security Representative.

Sen. Wyles was nominated for the position of Sergeant at Arms.

Sens. Shea and Ransley were nominated for the position of Policy and Procedure Chair. 

Sen. Embleton was nominated for the position of Political Activism Chair.

Sens. Wyles and Ransley were nominated for positions on the Executive Budgetary Committee. 

Sen. Reyes was nominated for the Student Organization Committee.

The meeting was adjourned.

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