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This Week in GSS

The Sept. 17 meeting began with the approval of the Sept. 10 minutes and agenda. 

General Good and Welfare: 

Vice President Chase Flaherty went over Robert’s Rule Item of the Week. This week’s item was tabling and suspending items on the agenda.

New Senators, Officer Appointments, Resignations:

Camryn Hammill and Isiah Bedsole were under senator observation. Sens. Frank Kelly and Daniel Adams were sworn into the senate. 

Club Maintenance:

Representatives from the Undergraduate Women in STEM were looking for preliminary recognition. This motion was passed. 

Representatives for the Student Maine Education Association were looking for final recognition. This motion was passed.

Representatives for Kappa Omicron Nu were looking for reactivation. This motion was passed.

Guest Speakers:

The president of the Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education (AORE) explained the ongoing Campus Challenge that the University of Maine and 98 other universities are taking part in. He encouraged members of the senate to download the app and participate. 

Executive Reports:

There were no executive reports.

Periodic Reports: 

Faculty Senate Student Representative Harrison Ransley reported that there is an upcoming meeting and encouraged members of the senate to join if they are interested.

University of Maine Board of Trustees Representative Abby Depres reported that she attended the first meeting of the Maine Board of Trustees and came away from the meeting with pertinent information.

Director of Communications Owen Vadala reminded the senate to come to him for advertisements for clubs. 

University of Maine Security representative Peter Alexander reported that he met with the chief of security and is observing the many safety oversights on campus. 

Reports of Standing Committees:

Marketing and Public Relations representative Vadala reminded members of the senate to come to the meetings.

Membership Committee Representative Zachary Wyles reported that he is working on getting the senator’s binders together.

Policy and Procedures Committee Representative Mikaela Shea reminded members of the senate to join the committee.

Political Activism Representative Cody Embelton reminded members of the senate to attend meetings and register to vote. 

Services Committee Representative Emmeline Willey reported that she met with services and the University is working on replacing various things around campus. 

Reports of Special Committees:

Student Conduct Code Oversight and Review Committee Representative Ransley reminded members of the senate to join the committee.

Representative Board Reports:

Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Representative Ian Johnson reported that the first pancake breakfast of the year is happening soon.

Honors College Student Advisory Board Representative Lauren Ryan reported that the first meeting happened and they have multiple events and ideas in the works. 

Interfraternity Council Representative Andrew Arsenault reported that the greek welcome back is coming up.

Panhellenic Council Representative Stephanie Poirier reported that 150 women received bids on Bid Day.

Sustainability and Environmental Actions Division Representative Dalton Bouchles reported that the second meeting of the committee happened and that the campus is working on recycling more as a whole.

Community Association Reports:

Feminist Collective Representative Miranda Snyder reported that there are many upcoming events.

Wilde Stein Representative MJ Smith reported that member numbers have increased dramatically and the club is looking to do more outreach on campus.

International Student Association Representative Hannah Holbrook reminded members of the senate to attend coffee hour.

New Business:

An act to allocate funds to Volleyball, the team is looking to get $8000 under the allocations for Tier One clubs. The motion was passed 

An act to allocate funds to Student Organizations for the amount of $6,500 for the Academic Year annual license for Eventus. The motion was tabled until the next meeting per request of President Bentley Simpson to the senate.

Vice President of Student Entertainment Logan Armando elaborated on the purchase of bumper balls for future events, looking potentially towards soccer on Lengyel Field. More expensive bumper balls were purchased in the hopes that students will be able to use them for years to come. The motion was passed.

An act to allocate funds to the American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AICE) for the amount of $2,400 to cover the cost of flights, transportation, hotel and registration fees for 12 students to attend the National Conference in Orlando, Florida from Nov. 8- 11. The event will assist students in making academic and professional connections. The AICE is expecting $4,000 in funding from the College of Engineering, with the Pulp and Paper Foundation looking to match that amount. The motion was passed. 

Nominations and Elections:

Sen. Shea was elected President Pro Tempore. 

Sen. Kelley was elected to the Executive Budgetary Committee.

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