The Oct. 8 meeting began with the approval of the Oct. 1 meeting minutes.
General Good and Welfare:
Vice President Chase Flaherty went over Call for Orders of the Day.
New Senators, Officer Appointments, Resignations:
Manikomal Kehler was under senator observation and Sen. Austin Westfield was sworn in.
Club Maintenance:
Members of the UMaine Cricket Club were seeking preliminary recognition for aid in advertising and funding. The Ping Pong club’s preliminary recognition was tabled until the next meeting.
Guest Speakers:
Kim Crowley came in to talk about the new UMaine Navigate App. This app is meant to support students, first-year students specifically. The purpose of the app is to get students in contact with the departments they need, navigate the campus, receive their schedules and provide other helpful tools.
Executive Reports:
President Bentley Simpson reported that he met with Dean Dana to discuss the board of trustees position. He also reported that the General Student Senate (GSS) Leadership Scholarship has been posted and the deadline has been extended. Lastly, he reported that he has been finalizing the details for the ice rink equipment.
Vice President Flaherty reminded the senate that the fall senate retreat is coming up soon.
Vice President for Student Organizations (VPSO) Taylor Cray reported that she is currently working on updating the UMSG website.
Periodic Reports:
Chair of Fair Elections Practices Commission Matthew Akers reported that senate applications for the next term will be open next senate meeting.
Student Legal Services Liaison Elisabeth Redwood reported that she met with the attorney and is working with him on more outreach to students.
Director of Communications Owen Vadala reiterated that the scholarship applications are now open.
University of Maine Security Rep. Peter Alexander reported that he met with the police chief and the department is currently working on putting up more cameras around campus.
Reports of Standing Committees:
Membership Rep. Zachary Wyles reported that there will be more themed senate meetings in the future and explained the details of the senate retreat.
Policy and Procedure Rep. Mikaela Shea reported that the senate would be looking over a resolution that meeting.
Political Activism Rep. Cody Embelton reminded members of the senate to attend his meetings.
Services Rep. Emmaline Willey reported that phase 1 of the swings is being put into motion and housing is working on implementing emergency housing for storms.
Representative Board Reports:
Commuter and Non-Traditional Rep. Ian Johnson reminded the senate that the pancake breakfast is coming up and that commuter week is coming up.
Honors College Student Advisory Board Rep. Lauren Ryan reported that the active honors challenge has launched.
Senior Class Council Rep. Joshua Minor reported that the shirts have come into the bookstore.
Community Association Reports:
Student Heritage Alliance Council Rep. Anna Schaab reported that they are preparing for the Culture Fest.
Feminist Collective Rep. Miranda Snyder reported that the Take Back The Night event is coming up.
Wilde Stein Rep. MJ Smith reported that Coming Out Week is coming up and the club has lots of events lined up.
International Student Association Rep. Hannah Holbrook reported that they would be hosting a coffee hour and encouraged members of the senate to reach out for information on Culture Fest.
Consent Agenda:
The senate accepted the consent agenda of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers 350 dollars, Asian Student Association 200 dollars, and Navigators 840 dollars
New Business:
An act to modify the Standing Rules of the General Student Senate, Rule V, Section I, subsection V to change the code for Policy and Procedure from PP to POL to follow current standards. This was passed by the senate.
The appointment of the board of trustees representative to the President’s Cabinet was passed by the senate.
The meeting was adjourned.