The Tuesday, Sept. 24 General Student Senate meeting began with the approval of the Sept. 17 meeting minutes.
General Good and Welfare:
Vice President Chase Flaherty went over Robert’s Rules item of the week with the senate. This week’s rule was how to call for a division and the steps to take after.
New Senators, Officer Appointments, Resignations:
Sens. Camryn Hammill and Isaiah Bedsole were sworn into the senate.
Club Maintenance:
Representatives from the Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) were looking for preliminary recognition so the club can use the University of Maine name and gain more publicity. This motion was passed.
Representatives of the Caribbean and Latinx Student Alliance were looking for final recognition. Because these were both previously separate clubs that went through prelim, all they needed for the approval of their joined club was final recognition. This motion was passed.
Guest Speakers:
Jennifer Desmond came to the Senate to speak on the Dirigo Leadership Conference and encouraged members of the senate to attend.
Executive Reports:
President Bentley Simpson encouraged members of the senate to attend the leadership conference. He reported that the swingset project is in motion and he is currently working on possibly putting an outdoor ice rink in place on campus. He reminded the senate that his meeting with Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students Robert Dana is coming up and that they should go to him with concerns. Lastly, he reported that the university’s convocation he attended went well.
Vice President Flaherty thanked senators for signing up for the different committees and reminded the Senate that the fall Senate retreat is coming up.
Vice President for Financial Affairs Jack O’Donoghue reported that there were allocations of funds for the Mountain Bike Club for $600 and the Spikeball Club for $399.96.
Vice President for Student Organizations Taylor Cray reported that changes are being made to the online database that will make the site easier and more comprehensive.
Vice President for Student Entertainment Logan Aromando reported that he is currently working on making waivers for the bumper ball tournaments and that Halloween events are in the works.
Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko reported that she will be giving out a link to a webinar on free speech on college campuses and encouraged the Senate to watch it. She added that there will be a haunted house on campus this year as well as a costume contest. She reiterated that the convocation went well and congratulated President Simpson on his speech.
Periodic Reports:
University of Maine board of trustees Representative Abby Despres reported that she is working on gaining more publicity as well as coming up with a feedback form for the senate.
Chair of the Fair Election Practices Commission Matthew Akers reported that elections were to be held later that meeting.
Director of Communications Owen Vadala encouraged members of the senate to take a look at the website and give feedback on how it’s running.
Reports of Standing Committees:
Marketing and Public Relations Representative Owen Vadala reported that the first general meeting went smoothly.
Political Activism Representative Cody Embelton reminded members of the senate to register to vote.
Services Representative Emmeline Willey reported that the committee held their first meeting and is currently working on a number of projects around campus.
Representative Boards:
Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Representative Ian Johnson reported that there was a mixup with the last pancake breakfast but it has been worked out and the breakfast would move to the next week.
Honors College Student Advisory Board Representative Lauren Ryan reported that she will be attending the Honors College faculty meeting coming up.
Interfraternity Council Representative Andrew Arsenault reported that they kicked off National Hazing Prevention Week.
Panhellenic Council Representative Stephanie Poirier reported that there were to be two philanthropy events held this week and that chapter numbers have been finalized.
Senior Class Council Representative Joshua Minor reported that 2020 merchandise is now available for purchase in the bookstore.
Sustainability and Environmental Actions Division Representative Dalton Bouchles reported that the group is planning a river cleanup for this year.
Community Association Reports:
Student Heritage Alliance Council Representative Anna Schaab reported that many different members of clubs are going to conferences around the state representing their clubs.
Feminist Collective Representative Miranda Synder reported that the club is holding their first implicit bias training for the semester soon.
Wilde Stein Queer-Straight Alliance Representative MJ Smith reported that the club is collaborating with the Mind Spa for an upcoming event.
International Student Association Representative Hannah Hollbrook reminded the senate that coffee hour would be coming up for this week.
Consent Agenda:
$600 for reallocation from new jerseys to race registration fees for the Mountain Bikers’ fall 2019 race season was passed.
Spikeball allocation of $399.96 for the purchase of four Pro Spikeball kits with a lifetime warranty was passed.
Unfinished Business:
An act to allocate funds to Student Organizations $6,500 for the 2019-20 academic year annual license of “Eventus” was rejected.
New Business:
An act to extend the life of the Student Conduct Code Oversight and Review Committee into the next academic year 2019-20 was passed.
Nominations and Elections:
Sen. Imam was elected center for undergraduate research representative.
Sen. Ransley was elected graduate student senate representative.
Sens. Redwood, Hebert, Embelton, Hammel and Orgel were nominated for legal services liaison.
Sens. Embelton, Hammel, Adams, Kelley, Bedsole and Shea were nominated for faculty senate student representative.
Sens. Ransley and Shea were appointed to President Simpson’s cabinet.
The senate then moved into executive session.