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The Oct. 22 General Student Senate meeting began with the approval of the Oct. 8 meeting minutes and agenda.

General Good and Welfare:

Vice President Chase Flaherty reviewed the Robert’s Rules Item of the week to limit or extend limits of debate. This motion is not debatable, but amendable. 

New Senators, Office Appointments, Resignations:

Sens. Jacob Palmieri and Katherine Hebert resigned from the Senate.

Club Maintenance:

A representative from the Permaculture and Gardening Club was seeking preliminary recognition for the club. This recognition would be for monetary assistance, and for the replacement and/or purchase of equipment. This motion was passed

Representatives from the UMaine Nursing International Club were seeking reactivation. The club fell into deactivation due to members graduating. This motion was passed.

Executive Reports:

President Bentley Simpson reported that the GSS Leadership Scholarship applications are still open. He also reported that the outdoor ice rink production and disc golf details are being finalized. Lastly, he reported that he and a few others are in the beginning stages of integrating a Native American Heritage month on campus.

Vice President Chase Flaherty reported that the senate retreat went well and reminded the senate that a photographer would be coming in soon to take headshots for the senate. 

Vice President for Financial Affairs Jack O’Donoghue was absent, his report was given by President Simpson. The Executive Budgetary Committee allocated $435 to Dungeons and Dragons, $741 dollars to the Intramural Sports Committee, $765 dollars to the Green Team and $250 to Wilde Stein.

Vice President for Student Organizations Taylor Cray reported that if student organizations haven’t sent in the proper forms by now, they will be deactivated for the time being.

Vice President for Student Entertainment Logan Aromando reiterated that the outdoor ice rink is in the works. He reported that there will be many homecoming events coming up and that he is working on getting Camille Kostek to speak at UMaine. Lastly, he reported that there will be winter carnival events as well as spring fling events.

Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko reiterated that there will be several winter carnival events to take part in. She also reminded members of the senate to vote for homecoming royalty as homecoming week is underway.

Periodic Reports:

Faculty Senate Student Rep. Camryn Hammill reported that she attended the first meeting as the representative and there were a lot of interesting ideas discussed, including a possible General Education requirement reform. 

University of Maine Board of Trustees Student Rep. Abby Despres reported that website updates will be continuing, and reminded the senate that the student government conference will be coming up next semester.

Chair of Fair Elections Committee Commission Matthew Akers reported that the new senator term has opened up and forms have to be submitted soon.

Student Legal Services Liaison Elisabeth Redwood encouraged members of the senate to utilize UMaine’s lawyer and contact him with any questions or concerns.

Director of Communications Owen Vadala reminded the senate to share the Leadership Scholarship as the applications have been opened. He reported that the executive page has been updated as well as the student government bulletin board.

Reports of Standing Committees:

Membership Rep. Zachary Wyles reported that the retreat went well and that the discussion of student senate merchandise has begun. 

Political Activism Rep. Cody Embelton reported that there is to be a protest to end racism on campus Monday at noon.

Reports of Special Committees:

Student Conduct Code Oversight and Review Committee Rep. Harrison Ransley reported that his committee is currently working on outreach to students on campus.

Representative Board Reports:

Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Rep. Ian Johnson reported that the fiesta went well and reminded the senate that commuter week is coming up next week.

Honors College Student Advisory Board Rep. Lauren Ryan reported that she has continued to plug different events, the Honors College breakfast went well and that the Maine Day meal pack out planning has begun.

Panhellenic Council Rep. Stephanie Poirier reported that elections for the new executive board is coming up. She also reminded the senate that there will be a disc golf tournament put on by the Interfraternity Council this weekend.

Senior Class Council Rep. Joshua Minor reported that there will be an event coming up at OHOP to raise money for senior week events. He also reminded members of the senate to buy merch to represent the senate. 

Sustainability and Environmental Actions Division Rep. Dalton Bouchles reported that the football clean up went well.

Community Association Reports:

Feminist Collective Rep. Miranda Synder reported that the Take Back the Night event is coming up and it will include a march.

President Simpson gave the Wilde Stein report as Rep. MJ Smith was absent from the meeting. The association celebrated coming out week and they are now preparing for Gay Thanksgiving in November.

International Student Association Rep. Hannah Holbrook reported that Halloween Oronoka is coming up and they will be tabling all week. They are also working towards making Culture Fest a zero-waste event this year.

Consent Agenda:

Dungeons and Dragons requested $435 for the player’s handbooks, monster manuals, dinnerware and 5 campus events throughout the fall, as well as 200 dollars for an office budget. Both motions were passed.

Intramural Sports Council requested $741.96 for 3 hotel rooms for 2 nights for 10 students to compete at their flag football Regional Championship at Springfield College. This motion was passed.

Green Team requested $765 for bus rental for 18 students to clean up the trails at Acadia National Park. This motion was passed.

American Chemical Society requested $200 for office budget. This motion was passed.

Wildestein requested $250 for food for their event “Gay Thanksgiving” in the North Pod of the Memorial Union. This motion was passed.

The meeting was adjourned.


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