The Oct. 29 General Student Senate meeting began with the approval of the Oct. 22 meeting minutes.
General Good and Welfare:
Vice President Chase Flaherty went over the Robert’s Rules Item of the Week; objection to the consideration of the motion. This motion is amenable.
New Senators Office Appointments, Resignations:
Sen. Carl Durocher resigned from the Senate.
Club Maintenance:
Members from Her Campus, Maine Stride and Yarn Over Orono were seeking preliminary recognition. All were passed except for Maine Stride. This prelim recognition failed due to the fear that there are already systems in place similar to the projects of this club.
Members from the Blade Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Sociology Club were seeking reactivation for their clubs. These were passed by the senate.
Club Presentations:
A representative from the Navigators came in to discuss the success of the annual fall conference the club recently attended.
Guest Speakers:
Aaron Raymond from APOGEE/ResNet came in to talk about the new WiFi that was installed in all of the housing facilities and asked for feedback.
Executive Reports:
President Bentley Simpson reported that the student life contracts for different events are moving along, as well as the swing project. He also reported that he would be sitting in on the Distinguished Professor Conference and the UMaine’s First Generation week is coming up in November with lots of events lined up. He reminded the senate to share the leadership scholarship and lastly reported that a Native American Heritage Month is in the works.
Vice President Chase Flaherty reminded the senate that the senate photographer will be coming in soon and that senator applications need to be sent in soon.
Vice President for Financial Affairs Jack O’Donoghue reported that the EBC Allocations for Consent Agenda allocated $600 to the South Asian Association of Maine and $750 to UMSG Inc. The Resolutions to Senate allocated $2,000 to the Society of Physics Students and $3,000 to Operation H.E.A.R.T.S.
Vice President for Student Organizations Taylor Cray reminded members of the senate that organizations should be signing up for Halloweekend events to volunteer.
Vice President for Student Entertainment Logan Aromando reported that there are currently a lot of events in the works for the senate but the details are becoming more confidential.
Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko reported that the campus planning meeting recently happened, so the student calendar should be up to date. She reminded the senate that there are many events happening during Halloweekend and that there will be a Cohen Lecture.
Periodic Reports:
UMaine Board of Trustees Student Rep. Abby Despres reported that the most recent meetings went well and there is a special board meeting on budget happening and she is currently working on creating a feedback tool for students to use.
Chair of Fair Elections Practices Commission Matthew Akers reported that there will be no elections needed for senators this term.
Director of Communications Owen Vadala reminded the senate to share the leadership scholarship.
Reports of Standing Committees:
Marketing and Public Relations Rep. Owen Vadala encouraged the senate to come to the meetings.
Policy and Procedure Rep. Mikaela Shea reminded the senate to come to her with any concerns.
Political Activism Rep. Cody Embelton reminded the senate to vote next Tuesday and reported that there will be a sit-in protest at the College Republicans event on Wednesday.
Student Services Rep. Emmaline Willey reported that the swings project is underway and murals are in the works for Maine Day.
Reports of Special Committees:
Student Conduct Code Oversight and Review Committee Rep. Harrison Ransley encouraged members to spread the word about the committee.
Representative Board Reports:
Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Rep. Ian Johnson reported that there are lots of events coming up during Commuter Week.
Honors College Student Advisory Board Rep. Lauren Ryan reported that there are lots of events coming up and different events with the dean of students are in the works. She also reported that on Nov. 16 there will be a Chipotle fundraiser for the Maine Day Meal Pack Out.
Interfraternity Council Rep. Andrew Arsenault reported that there is a disc golf tournament coming up.
Panhellenic Council Rep. Stephanie Poirier reported that the All-Greek Study Night is coming up.
Senior Class Council Rep. Joshua Minor reported that there will be a fundraiser at Orono House of Pizza on Nov. 17 and all proceeds will go to Senior Class events.
Sustainability and Environmental Actions Divisions (SEAD) Rep. Dalton Bouchles reported that the Culture Fest that is coming up will be zero-waste and that SEAD is coming up with a new logo.
Community Association Reports:
Student Heritage Alliance Council Rep. Anna Schaab reported that they are preparing for Culture Fest and the Multicultural Thanksgiving event.
Wilde Stein Rep. MJ Smith reported that Gay Thanksgiving is coming up and the Multicultural Student Center is under construction.
International Student Association Rep. Hannah Holbrook reported that the Halloween Oronoka event went well.
Consent Agenda:
South Asian Association of Maine requested $600 for food ingredients, table and chair rental and dinnerware for their Diwali Night Nov. 10.
University of Maine Student Government Inc. requested $750 for headshots and group shots of the General Student Senate in the Bangor room Nov. 5.
Wildlife Society requested $200 for their Office Budget.
Caribbean and Latinx Student Alliance requested $130 for Office Budget.
International Student Association requested a reallocation of office budget funds from paper products to New Balance Recreation Center Rental for Culture Fest which was previously approved at the Annual Budget meeting on April 2, 2019.
The Consent Agenda was passed.
The meeting was adjourned.