The General Student Senate meeting on Feb. 18 began with the approval of the Feb. 11 meeting minutes and agenda.
General Good and Welfare:
Vice President Chase Flaherty discussed the Robert’s Rules item of the week. The item of the week highlighted a point of order. It is used to call a chair on the order of business. It can be used to interrupt a speaker and is not a debateable or amendable motion.
New Senators, Officer Appointments, Resignations:
Vice President Flaherty reported that Connor Bray was present to participate in a senator observation.
Club Presentations:
A representative from the Maine Animal Club reported that the group attended NESA and the team did quite well, placing fifth overall. The group moved up three places from last year and two team members placed in the top 10 in the livestock judging competition.
Executive Reports:
President Bentley Simpson reported that the student government’s involvement in UMaine’s Winter Carnival and Fresh Check Day were successful as they had over 200 people participate at the Senate’s table. Simpson shared that he met with Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko regarding certain initiatives occuring this semester. He reported that he attended the Faculty Fellows Reception on Feb.14 and was able to interact with faculty from different UMaine campuses. Additionally, he reported that nominations for UMSG, Inc. president and vice president applications are due at noon on Feb. 19. Lastly, he shared that they are looking for student nominations for the Code of Conduct Review Board and that these students would need to be recommended to him.
Vice President Flaherty reported that he is working on planning the senate retreat and brainstorming ideas for the senator garment order. Additionally, he shared that he is in the process of planning Senate training. Lastly, he reminded the Senate that Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students Robert Dana is coming to speak at a Senate meeting soon.
Vice President for Financial Affairs Jack O’Donoghue reported that applications for the position of vice president for financial affairs will be available on Feb. 19 and will be due in the Student Government office on March 26.
Vice President for Student Organizations Taylor Cray reported that the All Maine Women campus organization passed a change to their bylaws. Additionally, she shared that applications for the vice president for student organizations position would be available on Feb. 19 and would be due on March 26.
Vice President for Student Entertainment Logan Aromando reported that the main act for the Maine Day concert has been officially booked. He shared that he is working with the University of Maine Volunteer Ambulance Corps to set up an on-site emergency center for the concert date, and is attempting to bring food trucks to the venue. He reported that he is finishing a work order with UMaine’s facilities crew for the date of the concert. This work order would obtain signage, fences, portable restrooms, road closure, and other maintenance needs for April 25. Additionally, he is collaborating with the UMaine Police Department, Orono Police Department and the Orono and Old Town fire departments to increase the concert capacity. This would potentially increase the capacity of the event by 600 people. Aromando reported that he is also working on a marketing schedule for the event.
The Advisor to Student Government Sidelko reported that UMaine’s Winter Carnival was a huge success. Additionally, she shared that in the future there will be many graduate assistantship positions available in the Student Life Department for any students that plan on going to graduate school and meet the job criteria.
Periodic Reports:
Faculty Senate Student Rep. Camryn Hammill reported that the Faculty Senate is working on reforming the general education course requirements for each major.
UMaine Board of Trustees Student Rep. Abby Despres reported that she will attend an academic and student affairs meeting on Feb. 24 discussing many different topics, such as the potential for UMaine to offer a master’s degree in athletic training, and tenure rates.
Chair of the Fair Election Practices Commission Matthew Akers reported that nomination forms for UMSG, Inc. vice president and president are due on Feb.19 at noon. He shared that there will be a candidate meeting covering campaign rules in the near future.
Student Legal Services Liaison Elisabeth Redwood reported that she is working on documents for the Maine Day concert and finalizing the supplies and plans for the Hair Care Fair coming up.
Representative to the Graduate Student Senate Frank Kelly had no report.
Orono Town Council Liaison Camryn Hammil had no report.
Old Town City Council Liaison Peter Alexander was absent.
Representative of the UMaine Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Austin Westfield reported that he is arranging meetings with Army ROTC staff, and has met with the Naval ROTC captain. They are planning the Zimmerman Fitness Challenge that will happen in April. The ROTC programs have a field training exercise in the near future.
Director of Communications Owen Vadala reported that applications for UMSG, Inc. president and vice president are due on Feb. 19 in the Student Government office. He shared that he will be posting the applications for the UMSG, Inc.’s executive board positions on Feb. 19.
University of Maine Security Rep. Gabriela Reyes had no report.
Center for Undergraduate Research Liaison Olivia Lovejoy had no report.
Reports of Standing Committees:
Marketing and Public Relations Rep. Owen Vadala reported that he met with Vice President Aromando on Feb. 18 to discuss marketing plans for the Maine Day concert.
Membership Rep. Gabriela Reyes reported that she would be meeting this week to talk about ideas for the Senate retreat with Vice President Flaherty. She encouraged senators to bring reusable containers so that they could take home the leftover food from today’s meeting.
Policy & Procedure Rep. Harrison Ransley reported that there would be two policies coming up tonight. One for the Maine Day Committee and one for the potential Student Mental Health Committee.
Political Activism Rep. Cody Embelton was absent.
Services Rep. Emmeline Willey reported that she would have a committee meeting on Feb. 19 to discuss the Maine Day mural. She shared that she has been in contact with the Memorial Union staff and the UMaine art department about the mural plans.
Reports of Special Committees:
Student Conduct Code Oversight and Review Committee Rep. Harrison Ransley had no report.
Representative Board Reports:
Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Rep. Ian Johnson reported that on Feb. 21 there would be a meeting for the group and Sen. Camryn Hammill will be speaking about the new renter’s laws in Orono.
Honors College Student Advisory Board Rep. Dominique Dispirito reported that the board has planned the first campus wide discussion event that will occur on Feb.28 on the fourth floor of Colvin Hall. She shared that the board is continuing to work on recruitment initiatives and fundraising for Maine Day meal packout.
Interfraternity Council Rep. Morgan Ford reported that the council is still preparing for Greek Week. Additionally, Rep. Ford shared that there was a great turnout for mocktail bar during Casino Night of Winter Carnival.
Panhellenic Council Rep. Allison Swede reported that the National Greek Leadership Association conference is approaching, in addition to Heritage Week. She shared that she sent out forms for the programs committee and judicial board committee, and the council is preparing for recruitment for the fall semester.
Senior Class Council Rep. Joshua Minor reported that on Feb. 23 the council is hosting a half off fundraiser at the Orono House of Pizza. Additionally, Rep. Minor shared that there is a class council information meeting on Feb. 18 for all students that are interested in joining their class council.
Sustainability and Environment Action Division Rep. Dalton Bouchless was absent.
Community Association Reports:
Student Heritage Alliance Council Rep. Anna Schaab reported that there will be a lunch and learn meeting on Feb. 19. Additionally, she thanked all that participated in the International Dance Festival that took place on Feb. 15.
Feminist Collective Rep. Hannah Thompson reported that the Vagina Monologues will occur on Feb. 21 and Feb. 22. Additionally, she shared that the group is beginning to plan for Women’s History Month and Beautiful Week.
Wilde Stein: Queer Straight Alliance Rep. MJ Smith reported that the group is planning events for Diversity Week, which will be the first week in April and more information will be shared soon.
International Student Association Rep. Hannah Holbrook was absent.
New Business:
An act to establish the Maine Day and Special Events Committee as a Special Committee of the General Student Senate was passed.
An act to create a Special Committee to be called the “Student Mental Health Committee” was altered. The Senate agreed to strike the final clause of the act, and then passed an act to create a Special Committee to be called the “Student Mental Health Committee” with the final whereas clause struck out.
Special Orders and Announcements:
Sens. Sarah Brindisi and Tiffany Curro reported that there would be Bumper Balls event at the New Balance Recreation Center on Feb. 22
Rep. Johnson reported that the Commuter and Non-Traditional Students next pancake breakfast would take place on March 27.
The final roll was called and the meeting was then adjourned.