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On Feb. 4, the General Student Senate approved the Jan. 28 minutes.

General Good and Welfare:

President Bentley Simpson discussed the Robert’s Rules item of the week. The senate reviewed procedure on the motion to call a vote.

New Senators, Officer Appointments, Resignations:

Representative to the Graduate Student Senate Sarah Brindisi announced her resignation from the post.

Aidan Andrews was appointed as a senator. Tiffany Curro was considered for the position of senator, but was absent and was not appointed at this time. Adam Giniger was appointed as a senator.

Club Maintenance:

The Intramural Sports Council was announced as inactive.

Kappa Kappa Psi, an honorary service organization, was announced as inactive.

Representatives from the UMaine Film Society argued for the instatement of their group and were granted preliminary recognition.

Representatives from the Student Alumni Ambassadors argued for the instatement of their group and were granted preliminary recognition.

A representative from the Black Bear Beekeepers argued for the instatement of their group and was granted preliminary recognition.

Anna Zmitowski approached the senate with an argument for the instatement of a new college Republican group, under the name of the “UMaine College Republicans.” The group was granted preliminary recognition.

Charlie Honkonen, the president of the group formerly known as the UMaine College Republicans, sought the instatement of a group under the name of the “UMaine Constitutional Republicans” on the basis that the former group had been recognized by the Maine College Republican Federation. The group was granted preliminary recognition.

Executive Reports:

President Simpson thanked UMaine Dining for their catering services. In addition, Simpson discussed upcoming on-campus events including Earth Day and the Spring Fling.

After this, Simpson turned his focus onto official student business. This included topics like the new Fair Election Practices Commission position, a role which Simpson emphasized. Simpson also discussed Fresh Check Day and an upcoming Student Senate event.

Vice President Chase Flaherty discussed multiple pressing and urgent matters, including a cancelled meeting with Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students Robert Dana, and upcoming Student Senate events.

Vice President of Financial Affairs Jack O’Donoghue discussed budgets for clubs including Engineers Without Borders, the Fishing Club and Alpha Omicron Nu. O’Donoghue also reminded the group of the upcoming budget meeting.

Vice President of Student Organizations Taylor Cray noted that there would be no student organizations meeting this week. Cray also discussed a conversation she would be having in the future about youth retention at the Blaine House.

Vice President of Student Entertainment Logan Armando discussed multiple pressing issues. This included the executive session about the reinstatement of the UMaine College

Republicans, the upcoming UMaine Concert and the local fire department’s needs and wants for the concert. Much of Armando’s speech was focused on issues and “legal liabilities” related to the concert. Armando also noted that he would allocate $800 toward the Winter Carnival.

Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko started off by apologizing for missing last week’s meeting. Sidelko discussed events like Winter Carnival and the board of trustees meeting. Sidelko mentioned that the University of Southern Maine received an increase of funds for a new residence hall and career center. Sidelko discussed the opportunity for the student government to “do something similar” and “leave a legacy.” Sidelko also discussed a tour around Maine high schools.

Lawyer to Student Government Sean O’Mara discussed his court cases from the past week. O’Mara discussed how he dismissed a criminal case against a student who “was a first time offender.”

Periodic Reports:

Director of Communications Owen Vadala discussed student government elections and advertised them.

Representative Board Reports:

Honors College Student Advisory Board Rep. Dominique Dispirito discussed recruitment, and increasing participation. She noted just how important student involvement was, and future events, like the Maine Day Meal Pack Out.

Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Rep. Ian Johnson discussed his group’s new e-mail list.

Interfraternity Council Rep. Andrew Arsenault discussed Spring Rush and other Interfraternity events.

The Panhellenic Council Rep. Allison Swede discussed Spring Rush events, and encouraged girls to “Go Greek.”

Sustainability and Environment Action Division Rep. Dalton Bouchless, discussed his group’s work on Lisa Savage’s campaign and a meeting he had with Campus Activities Coordinator Ben Evans  to plan Earth Week.

Community Association Reports:

Wilde Stein Queer-Straight Alliance Rep. MJ Smith discussed the upcoming drag show, Lavender Prom and encouraged students to engage with Wilde Stein as Pride Week approaches.

International Students Association Rep. Hannah Holbrook discussed the upcoming coffee hour and International Dance fest.

Consent Agenda

A motion to allocate $200 to the Engineers Without Borders for an office budget was introduced. This motion was passed.

A motion to allocate $1,297.98 to the Fishing Club for group ice fishing trips was introduced. This motion was passed.

A motion to allocate $100 to Kappa Omicron Nu was introduced. The motion was passed.

New Business:

An Act to allocate $1,297.10 to the Maine Animal Club for the use of a hotel for 16 people to compete in an annual science competition and livestock quiz-bowl, as well as to present new topics in animal science at the University of New Hampshire on Feb. 14-15 was passed.

An Act to appoint Sens. Harrison Ransley and Emmeline Willey as the two senator positions on the President’s Cabinet was passed.

An Act to nominate Sen. Tessa Shanteler to the Student Representative for the Board of Trustees was introduced, but the vote was postponed until the next Senate meeting.

An act to modify the Standing Rules of the General Student Senate, including a modification to a subsection to create a position of representative to the Provost Council, as well as a modification to a subsection which would change the title of representative of the University of Maine Army ROTC to the representative of the University of Maine ROTC was passed.

Nominations and Elections:

Sens. Shanteler, Anthony Fabirzio, Kylie Trawick, Gabriela Reyes, Camryn Hammill, Cody Embelton, Sarah Brindisi and Harrison Ransley were nominated for the Student Organizations Committee.

The senate went into executive session, the final roll was called and the meeting was adjourned.

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