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GSS 12/13

The General Student Senate meeting began with roll call and the approval of the meeting minutes by Vice President Zachary Wyles.


Executive Reports:


President Harrison Ransley announced that the projects that he has been working on have been slightly delayed, mainly because of COVID-19 related interference, but will be handled in time. Vice President of Financial Affairs Jacob Tauke spoke on unallocated funds, as well as funding requests that will be talked about later in the meeting. Like Ransley, many of his projects have temporarily hit a wall but will resume next semester. Vice President of Student Organizations Emmeline Willey had multiple clubs approach her to qualify for a COVID-19 membership pause. Vice President of Student Entertainment Chase Flaherty announced that he has begun working on planning events for next semester. 


Periodic Reports:


Director of Communications Danielle Jarosz has been in touch with a reporter from Massachusetts on how the University of Maine student government has been aiding students during the difficult times. When that article goes live, it will be distributed to senators. Senator features have also continued, and have been met with positive reception.


Reports on Standing Committees:


The committee on policy and procedure worked on two resolutions, one to change GPA requirements for senators in order to hopefully gain more membership, and one to change attendance requirements.


Representative Board Reports:


The Honors College Student Advisory Board hosted their resume building workshop, which was a great success. They also plan on hosting a virtual trivia review session for the civilization sequence to better prepare honors students for finals. The Interfraternity Council is having their Greek Gala this week, as well as officer transitions. Their philanthropy events for the semester have concluded. The Panhellenic council has voted on their new executive board, who will be sworn in this week.


Community Association Reports:


Wilde Stein is wrapping up the semester, and has been preparing for meetings and events for next semester, including a COVID-19 friendly drag show.


New Business:


The 3D Printing Club made a request for $2,000 to purchase two new printers. This request was granted by the senate.


After doing a final roll call, the senate adjourned the final meeting of the semester, and will meet again in the spring.


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