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UMaine Online Program adds new degree and certification programs

The University of Maine Online has been working hard to offer new graduate and undergraduate programs to students. UMaine Online offers a variety of mostly graduate programs for students to earn masters or certificates, as well as some undergraduate major and minor courses of study.

Among some of the newer additions to the courses of study for undergraduate students are a minor in legal studies and a new certification program in surveying engineering technology. This certification program provides students with the necessary tools and foundations for surveying technology, and may also act as a starting point for students looking into pursuing a bachelor’s degree in surveying technology. The surveying technology certification program is the first certification course to be offered through UMaine Online to undergraduate students, and requires 15 credit hours. The legal studies minor can be paired with any of the other undergraduate programs offered by UMaine Online, and takes 18 credit hours to complete.

The newest graduate certification program is in the discipline of data science and engineering. Graduate certification courses require at least a bachelor’s degree for enrollment. The data science and engineering certification program provides students the skills and knowledge necessary to manage complex data and analysis challenges which are prevalent in a rapidly changing technological field. It is a 15 credit program, and has a wide variety of classes and enrollment options for students to select from depending on their interests within the field.

The newest graduate degree UMaine Online is offering is a master’s program in data science and engineering. This master’s program is a total of 30 credit hours, and is recommended for students who have undergraduate experience in the fields of computer science, engineering, mathematics or similar fields. The program is designed to teach students a variety of useful skills in the rapidly changing field of data science. Some skills involve data analysis and acquisition, effective data storage and issues facing data processing and storage, leveraging modern computational infrastructures for performing large scale data analysis, effective data presentation and communication skills, strategies for data security and the ethical issues facing modern data analysis and acquisition. 

These skills are useful in a variety of fields, as there is a growing demand for those trained in data science and engineering. There is a rapidly changing environment of data and computer science, and as the state becomes increasingly reliant upon advanced technologies, it also becomes increasingly reliant upon those who are capable of understanding complex data and engineering.

The new focus on engineering technology and advanced science studies in the realm of computer and data sciences reflects a rapidly changing technological landscape in Maine and beyond. The UMaine Online programs are designed to meet those new demands and train students in an efficient and affordable way.

UMaine Online is accepting rolling admissions to their undergraduate and graduate certification programs as well as to their master’s degree programs. Interested students should visit the UMaine Online website, or contact the admissions office or advisors for more information on any of the available programs.


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