On Tuesday, Oct. 4, the General Student Senate (GSS) held a meeting where they appointed senators to their representative positions, as well as held a debate and voted on several acts.
The meeting began with the appointment of Emily Roy as a new student senator.
Shortly after, the senate recognized the following clubs: Dance Club, Tap Club, Hip Hop Club, Wrestling Club, Biology Club, Equestrian Team and Women in STEMM. The senate confirmed them for final recognition unanimously.
The next point of discussion was the executive reports, beginning with fourth-year GSS President Alyssa Ciasullo. Senators Keegan Tripp and Kyle Ricker were appointed to the presidential cabinet.
The Student Government signed up for trunk or treat this year, which takes place on Halloween night from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Mill Street.
Vice President for Student Entertainment Owen Hebda spoke briefly about the first block party concert which had a turnout of 150 students. There are tentative plans for a Halloween event that also works directly with the Town of Orono. If you are a part of a club or organization that wants to be included or work with Student Entertainment, please reach out to Hebda at owen.hebda@maine.edu.
The Vice President for Student Leadership Michael Delorge repeated that the Student Leadership scholarship is still open and being advertised. All students may apply, but a minimum GPA of 2.0 is required. Delorge also mentioned that there will be an open house on Oct. 17 in the Wade Center. Feel free to contact Delorge for more information or any questions you may have at michael.delorge@maine.edu.
Sustainability and Environmental Action Division representative Nara Narith reported that they are working on a new event that will take place after fall break. More information will be made available and advertised around campus soon.
Feminist Collective representative third-year Megan Keast reported a need for new members. Meetings are held on Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the FFA room. Please contact Megan Keast for any questions or concerns at megan.keast@maine.edu.
International Student Association (ISA) representative Ece Yeldan reported that they were able to set up a student page online. Next week, the ISA’s country features will begin, which will take place in the North Quad. The first featured country will be Turkey, and there will be a presentation and lots of food.
Following the reports, the student senate went on to pass the following budgetary requests from various student organizations. The Equestrian Club’s request for $4,000 was confirmed for lodging, dues and transportation. UMaine Cheerleading’s request for $9,612 was confirmed for new uniforms. Backcountry Squatters’ request for $5,613 was tabled until the next meeting on Oct. 18.
A resolution to reopen the Oakes Room in Fogler Library was also tabled for a future meeting.
An act to support the implementation of increased and continuous access to free menstrual products in all bathrooms on campus regardless of gender was brought to the senate. Products are currently not in gender-inclusive bathrooms or faculty bathrooms. It was argued that these products should be in every bathroom across campus and be made free. The senate passed the act unanimously.
The final matter of business was the final appointment of senators to various representative positions.
The final results of the senate vote went as follows:
Faculty Senate Student Representative: Senator Jacob Chaplin
Student Legal Services Liaison: Senator Joshua Bohm
Representative to Graduate Student Senate: Senator Kyle Ricker
UMaine Security Representative: Senator Memphis Peterson
Center for Undergraduate Research Liaison: Senator Bohm
Membership: Senator Jake Newton
Policy and Procedure: Senator Keegan Tripp
Political Activism: Senator Ricker
Services: Senator Peterson
Representative to the Provost Council: Senator Chaplin
Student Mental Health Committee: Senator Roy
Sergeant at Arms: Senator Peterson
President Pro-Tempore: Senate Chaplin
Student Organization Committee: Senators Ricker, Peterson, Tripp, and Molina