On Tuesday, Feb. 21, the General Student Senate (GSS) announced the newly appointed Student Senate Vice President and Vice President of Student Leadership.
In an executive session last week, the General Student Senate voted to appoint Michael Delorge as VP of the Student Senate and Jacob Chaplin as VP of Student Leadership. In addition, Connor Bray has officially stepped into the role of GSS President.
The meeting began with the appointment of Alexis Plater as a new senator.
The Storied literature club appeared before the senate to receive preliminary recognition as a club, as well as the following clubs for final recognition: The University of Maine College Republicans, the Spikeball club and the Cornhole club. The senate voted unanimously in favor of approving these clubs.
Dan Demeritt, an Orono resident and Town Council candidate, spoke about the upcoming Orono town election on March 13. He urged students here at UMaine who are also Orono residents to vote in-person absentee, as this allows for early voting options. More information can be found at Oronotogether.com.
Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko reported that on Tuesday, Feb. 28, at 1 p.m. is President Ferrini-Mundy’s state of the university address.
Commuter and Nontraditional Students representative Cameryn Hammill reported that there will be a free pancake breakfast from 9 to 11 a.m. on Friday in the Commuter and Nontraditional Students lounge.
Lastly, three acts were brought before the senate. The first act to modify the Constitution of Student Government, Inc. to reflect updated Cabinet policies was passed.
A second act to bring the issue of increasing the student activity fee from $53 to $63 to student referendum was passed.
The final act brought before the senate to modify the financial policy of the University of Maine Student Government, Inc. was passed.