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The General Student Senate recognizes several new clubs and potential Dead Week

On Tuesday, Jan. 24, the General Student Senate (GSS) held a meeting where they finalized voting on representative and committee positions within the senate.

The meeting began with the appointment of Julian Ober and Yeshayahou Kuptchik as new student senators.

Senators voted unanimously to recognize the following clubs and organizations: the Magic the Gathering Club, the Physical Education Student Organization (PESO),  CHAARG, the Marine Science Club, the Student Construction Club and the University of Maine Veterans Association.

Executive Director Dick Young from the University of Maine Auxiliary Services appeared before the senate as a guest speaker. Auxiliary services include postal service, parking and housing. For any questions, concerns or ideas regarding Auxiliary Services, please contact senate representative Memphis Peterson at

GSS President Alyssa Ciasullo announced that the Dead Week resolution, which would give students a week-long break from assignments, is headed to policy and procedure for further work before being finalized.

Following the reports, the student senate went on to pass the following budgetary requests from various student organizations.

College Republicans’ request for $2,400 was confirmed for their Conservative Political Action Conference and lodging. Panhellenic Council’s request for $3,050 for their NGLA Leadership Conference was confirmed for travel, registration and lodging. Finally, the Engineers Without Borders’ request for $2,345 was confirmed for travel, lodging and a water testing kit.

The final order of business for the senate was voting on representative and committee positions within the senate.

Faculty Senate student representative: Senator Kemper

Student Legal Services liaison: Senator Bohm

Representative to the Graduate Student Senate: Senator Rice

Orono Town Council liaison: Senator Blohm

Old town Council liaison: Senator Blohm

Representative to the University of Maine Army ROTC: Senator Kuptchik

University of Maine Security representative: Senator Peterson

Center for Undergraduate Research liaison: Senator Bohm

Membership: Senator Leeman

Policy and Procedure: Senator Tripp

Political Activism: Senator Leeman

Services: Senator Peterson

Representative to the Provost Council: Senator Tripp

Student Mental Health Committee: Senator Roy

Multicultural Affairs Advisory Committee: Representative Yelden

Student Organization Committee: Senators Nowak, Tripp, Peterson, and Ober

Executive Budgetary Committee: Senators Nowak, Tripp, Kemper, and Ricker

Sergeant at Arms: Representative Sterner

President Pro Tempore: Senator Peterson

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