On Tuesday, March 21, the General Student Senate (GSS) voted on a resolution to modify the Student Organizations Recognition policy, discussed the new “Maine Days” agenda and opened Zoom meetings for students to attend weekly GSS meetings.
The Student Organization Recognition Policies of the University of Maine Student Government Inc. modifications are primarily subtle changes to preexisting verbiage. It will now require organizations that become inactive to go through the process of preliminary and final recognition in order to be recognized as a club again. After significant discussion and debate, the act was passed.
VP of Student Entertainment Owen Hebda attended the Maine Day Week committee meeting, and reports that the new official name for the event is Maine Days. A full event schedule is currently being worked on and should be coming soon.
VP Michael Delorge reported that the new Zoom webinar format for senate meetings is up and running. Anyone with a UMaine email can join meetings and watch the senate proceedings. VP Delorge also mentioned that the Dirigo Leadership Conference is free to register for all UMaine undergraduate students.
Samuel Bloniasz was appointed as a new student senator.
The Math Club and the UMaine Bikepacking Collective appeared before the senate to receive preliminary recognition as university clubs. Both clubs received preliminary recognition from the senate with unanimous approval.
VPFA Paige Allen reported that there is currently $70239.88 remaining in unallocated funds after recent returns to the unallocated budget.
Hebda reported that the final 100 Spotlight Cinema tickets were purchased and that you should get them while they are still available.
VP of Student Leadership Jacob Chaplin reported that he has continued work on the syllabus bank initiative and will be meeting with a representative from Duke University’s student government about how they were able to successfully implement it.
Director of Communications Hope Bifulco reported that she filmed several interviews for the student activity fee awareness campaign.
Center for the Undergraduate Research liaison Joshua Bohm reported that they are still looking for volunteers to help run the student symposium.
Wilde Stein representative Kristina Belaya reported that next week is Pride Week here on campus. The Drag Show is still set to be on Saturday, April 1, at 7 p.m. in the CCA.