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The General Student Senate prepares for end of semester events

On Tuesday, April 11, the General Student Senate (GSS) discussed their support to allow 10 students on the Board of Trustees, the increase of police on the Wednesday of Maine Days and a proposal to return remaining student activity money back to the student body. 

Board of Trustees Representative Benjamin Doherty reported that he has met with President Ferrini-Mundy regarding the increase of 10 students to the Board of Trustees and the project is moving along. Similarly, Policy and Procedure Chair Keegan Tripp reported that he is finalizing a resolution to support the 10 student representatives on the Board of Trustees.

The Orono town council representative reported that the council discussed the Maine Days celebration week in their most recent meeting. It was suggested that there will be a strong police presence throughout Maine Days week, but especially on Wednesday.  

In new senator appointments and resignations, Emilee Roy resigned as a student senator. 

The Biology Club appeared before the senate in order to receive final recognition as a club. The senate voted unanimously in approval of their recognition.

Vice President Delorge reported that he has written a letter to the university regarding the cross charging of student organizations for university venue space. VP Delorge also mentioned that the UMSG survey is closing this week, and to make sure to fill it out if you are a currently enrolled student. 

VP of Student Entertainment Owen Hebda reported that ticketing for the upcoming spring concert featuring Freddie Gibbs and Money Man will be held on the second floor of the Memorial Union. 

VP of Student Leadership Jacob Chaplin reported that he has begun to draft a UMSG newsletter, and is still working on the syllabus bank project.

VP of Financial Affairs Paige Allen stated that there is currently $65,919.66 remaining in the unallocated budget. 

Advisor to student government Lauri Sedelko reported that on April 25, 2023, Student Life will be presenting leadership awards in Buchanan Alumni House. 

An act was brought to the floor which would allocate $1,315 to the Asian Student Association for their Multicultural Formal in the Buchanan Alumni House. This would cover the venue fee, table cloths, speaker rental, food, plates, napkins, silverware and cups. The senate voted unanimously in favor of approving the act. 

Another act was brought to the floor which would allocate $7,050 to TAPPI  for their TREE trip to Europe. This would cover flights, and lodging for the trip. The senate passed this act.

An act was brought to allocate $4,120 to the Men’s Club Rugby Team for their NCR 7’s Nationals trip in Washington D.C. This would cover travel and lodging expenses for the full team as well as two equipment managers. A motion was passed to amend the figure from $4,120 to $2,500 due to a discrepancy in the budget. The act was passed unanimously as amended. 

Finally, VPFA Allen shared a letter that is being sent to President Ferrini-Mundy. In it, VP Allen argues that student activity money should be redistributed back to students rather than be used for university-related events. It is also argued that the Student Symposium should be funded by the university and not via the student activity fee. 

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